[Max] goody two shoes

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((This was requested enjoy))

Just another dull Saturday, no activities to be done, no counselors to tell you what to do. All I get to do is sit here and wait.
Wait till this gosh darn day ends.
I love camp, I don't understand why the other campers don't like it.
I think Max is rubbing off on them, he's bad news bears I'll tell you that.
He won't get to me, I'll just stay in the mess hall until lunch, then dinner, then lights out.
Then the day will be over!

Well i thought it would be that easy, but no of course not.
As I waited for David, or Gwen to come I saw max came in instead.
"What the heck are you doing here?" I ask.
"It's pronounced hell and I came for pudding, unless someone rats me out." He said as he stops in front of the door.
"First off language and second off your not supposed to be in here." I bite back.
"If I'm not supposed to be in here, then what are you doing in here?" He smirked.
I started to blush out of frustration.
"Agh, will you leave me alone, why can't you just stop getting in my head!" I yell as I stood up to exit the mess hall.
Darn it, darn it, darn it!
I have to find somewhere where I can get away from him and his hatefulness.

And what better way to do that than to go to the woods.
So I find a nice tree and started to climb it, looking for peace.
And it was pretty, and peaceful when i got to the top, I got a good view of the whole camp ground.
That was until Nikki showed up.
"Hey y/n!" She popped up from the leafy branch.
I screamed and kicked my legs I didn't kick her though.
"What do you want Nikki?" I asked
"I came up here to see what you were doing."
"Because, we're friends."

"No we're not no body wants anything to do with me especially the campers so what's to real reason you came up here?"
"I'm not lying, but whatever." She said as she started to climb down, I almost stopped her.
But I didn't.


I climbed back down the tree to the ground.
"Is she coming?" Max asked me, and I just shook my head no.
"Damn it Nikki you said you could bring her down." He complained.
"She doesn't want to, maybe you should just climb up there yourself." I suggested.
"Yah Max, neither if us want anything to do with this." Neil sided with me.
"She was this close, to cracking, this close. She's as stubborn as David." Max groaned.
"Why do you want to break her so bad?" I asked.
"Because she's a goody two shoes."
"And?" Neil asked.
"And that's even worse than being a David, you never do anything against authority! How could someone live like that?" He rambled.
"I dunno, but honestly I don't care." Neil said as he walked away, I shrugged and followed.
Leaving Max by himself.


Why does Saturday have to be so long?
Why'd my mom send me here, to a group camp of all camps?
I have nothing in common with these people.
I don't like science,
I don't like space,
I don't like magic,
I don't like...being around dolph.
The only thing I have in common with any one is climbing trees, and doing the  activities. AND ON TOP OF THAT I have max on my back to worry about as well.
I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard a branch break and a little yelp.
"Huh?" I mumble as I moved a couple branches to see what it was.
I was surprised when I saw Max hanging from a branch.
"What the heck are you doing?" I ask
"Ya know just hanging around what the he'll does it look like?" He asked sarcastically.
"Alright,fine  you have fun with that." I said as I sat back up.
"Wait! No! Help me you idiot." He called out.
Gosh how he is rude.
I roll my eyes as I move the branches again and hold my hand out, he grabs on and climbs back onto the branch.
"Jesus fucking Christ." He said as he dusted himself off.
"Language." I said dully as I sat slouched with my head on my fists and my elbows on my knees.
I could feel him turn to look at me.
"What's up with you?" He asked in a semi snotty tone.
"Everything." I said simply.
"Care to be more specific?" He asked as be leaned in front of me.
I sighed and sat up straight.
"Max, why do you always feel the need to mess with me?" I ask and look at him.
He rolls his eyes
"Oh here we go?"
"I just wanna know, is it because you have a problem with me? Or is it because you have nothing better to do?"
He looked at me with widened eyes.
"It's because your a goody two shoes."
"What?" I asked.
"You always do what David and Gwen say. You never curse, you never do anything that your not supposed to."
"And you care because..."
"I care because, it makes you look like a sad lump of crap. You don't even look happy while your doing anything."
"Once again, you care why?"
"You wouldn't understand..." he said as he turned away.
I looked at his back and sighed, thinking of what he could have meant. I put my hand on his shoulder.
Max flinches and looks back at me.
"I wanna understand." I say to him.
He sighs and turns back to face me.
"I don't know why I don't like it, but I don't like seeing you unhappy." He says while looking down.
"It's OK, I understand..."
"Do you?"
"Mmm no, but I could." I smile
"Pfft yeah whatever you say, gg."
"Goody goody." He shrugs.
"I don't like that nickname."
"Oh well that sucks for you now doesn't it?"
I nudge him a little and we sit on the tree branch together. And for the first time I can relate to someone in this camp.

((HEYYO hope you guys liked this one-shot, sorry for the angst and drama. But if you find and get the reference comment my dudes.))

((1073 words and revised 👍))

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