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Aidette pov

I spent the rest of the night with maggy. We watched all kinds of movies, anywhere from comedy to horror. It was really nice to hangout with her again.

My phone started ringing, I groaned. I picked my phone up off the night stand and looked to see it was Diego. "Hey, you still wanna go to the studio with me today?" He asked cheerfully.

"Ummm yeah" I said half asleep.

"Awh baby did I wake you up?" He asked.

"Ya. Could you can pick me up because I don't wanna drive. It's too early" I said cuddling with my blanket.

"Aidette it's literally 6:20pm" he laughed.

"Oh shit. Really?" I jumped up out of bed.

"Um yeah. Okay I'll be there in 30 mins. Be ready okay?" He said.

"Yeah got it" I said hanging up and grabbing clothes from my closet to throw on.

30 mins later~
I heard Diego knocking on the door. I ran to the door. "Hey you ready?" He smiled.

"Yeah" I said closing the door and locking it. We jumped in the car and then we were off.

"Are you nervous?" He asked noticing my leg was jumping up and down.

"Um a little to be honest. I've never sung for anyone but maggy" I said trying to calm my leg down.

"It's okay baby. No one will judge" he said putting his hand on my thigh to try and help calm me down.

"Thank you" I said smiling at me.

"Here we are" Diego said parking in front of the studio.

"Hey guys!" He said greeting Steven and a guy I don't know.

"Aidette! It's so good to see you again" Steven exclaimed pulling me into a hug.

"Hey!" I said hugging him back.

"This is cole Bennett he directs music videos" Diego introduced him to me. "And this beautiful lady is aidette" he smiled introducing me to cole.

"Nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand.

"Okay ready to get in the studio?" Steven asks.

"Not yet. Aidette has to sing for me first" Diego smirks.

"Uh Diego a word in private please" I say standing up. He nodded and followed me outside.

"What's up" he asks.

"I'm struggling to sing in front of you let alone so I don't know what makes you think I'll sing in front of them" I say.

"I can tell them to leave the room if that helps. Baby it's okay no one will judge I promise you" he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Okay ima just do it. You're so lucky I love you" I say walking back into the room.

I walked into the booth, walked up to this mic. "Uh this is something I've actually been writing" I said putting the headphone on.

*AN: I just picked Billie because I love her voice and I didn't know who else to pick*

When I stopped singing the three boys stood up and clapped, causing me to blush.

"That was so great baby" Diego said picking me up and spinning me around.

"Your voice is fucking amazing" Steven said.

"You truly have a gift there and you should use it" Cole says.

"Thank you guys so much" I said grinning. "Your turn babe" I said to Diego.

"Ah yes" he said jumping into the studio. "Uh this song is called 'sorry' " he says into the mic.

I stood on the other side of window watching him. He seemed really happy and like he truly found something he loves. 'God I love him' I smiled at that thought.

He finishes and walks out of the booth. "You're really talented" I smiled at him.

"That was straight fire bro" Steven said.

"We gotta drop it soon" Cole says right after Steven.

"Yeah. right now? I mean it's all ready so" Diego said eagerly. "Yeah lets do it" Cole said along with Steven nodding.

"Ohh aye D I got this blunt for ya to celebrate" Steven says pulling a blunt out his pocket along with a lighter. I was kinda shocked because I didn't know he smoked weed and we hangout like all the time. I guess I didn't know Diego at all which kinda made me mad because he knew everything about me.

"Y-yeah bro hand it to me" he said hesitantly. He lights it up and takes a couple of hits.

"Pass it here" i say. Diegos eyes light up.

"You sure?" He questions.

"Yes I'm sure Diego" I said holding my hand out for it. I've never done this before but I guess Im trying to prove something I don't really know. I took a hit and started coughing. I took another and then another.

"Okay okay don't be such a hog I want some" Steven laughed.

"Yeah me too" Cole says. I laughed and passed it around to Steven.

"Is this your first time?" Diego asks.

"Yeah it is but it's fine" I say feeling the high taking over.

"Damn we got a first time stoner here" Steven laughed hella hard causing everyone to laugh.

The rest of the night consist of lots of blunts, laughs and food.

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