Chapter 40: Hearbreak

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Author's Note: Hello all welcome back. I am glad you to see you again and I hope you are still enjoying the story. Now this chapter was hard for me to write in the simple fact this chapter is very sad. So I'll leave it there and hopefully you will still love it.


Later that afternoon Lily stood with Legolas practicing their archery when Aragorn approached.


She turned. "What?"

"Lady Galadrial calls for you. The dwarves from Erebor come to Lothlorien. An Gimli wish for you to stand with him as he reviels Moria's fate."

Lily gasped. "Oh no this is going to kill them. I wish I..."

"Gandalf left something for you."


Aragorn pulled out a pouch. "This was in my coat I do not know when he put it there."

Lily took the pouch an read the small parchment.

' May these help rememebr the lost.'

Lily opened the bag an gasped. Inside were three items. Quickly closing the bag Lily took off. It took her a few minutes but she found who she was looking for.


He turned,"Lass they are meeting us in a few moments."

"Gimli! Gandalf knew! He gave me this." She showed him the bag.

"Mahal's hammer, thank the Valar for the wizard."

He turned to Lily. "I want you to hand them out."

"Gimli you should."

"No lass I couldn't."

"Alright." Lily followed Gimli as they went to meet the others.

They heard the dwarves before they reached the door.

"You ready Gimli?"

"Honestly lass it breaks ma heart to have to tell them we lost Oin, Ori and Balin."

"I know." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "We'll do it together."

With a deep breathe they went into the room . Upon seeing them Haldir nodded, "We will leave you in privacy.'' With that he bow and he and the elves left.

Gloin stepped up ."Why did the elves say we would have privacy?"

Lily who couldn't keep her tears at bay anymore,an went over an hugged Dwalin. Who in turn looked at the tohers for help before patting the young woman's back.

"Now what's this about?"

Gimli stepped up to his father as Lily pulled away from Dwalin.

"Da... we." He cleared his throat. "The gap of Rohan was closed and Caradhras was unsafe. W had to travel throuigh Moria."

Bofur smirked." That is good news. How was Balin an the lads. An why isn't Gandalf here?"

Gimli hung his head, and Lily felt fresh tears fall down her cheek. "Our passage through Moria wasn't safe. Gandalf... Gandalf is lost."

There was silence before Dwalin growled. "What happened?"

"The belrog, Durin's bane had laid in wait. Gandalf fought him before they both fell."

Dori grabbed Lily's hand. "An Ori... Please lass..."

Gimli looked at his father. "Da... Moria had fallen."

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