Chapter 25: I am Solid!

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Once they made it to the rocks they quickly made camp. Lily laid out her bedroll beside Aragorn who lifted a brow.

"No comment." He lifted his hands at her growl before lighting his pipe an watching Boromir with Merry and Pippin. Lily sat down her stuff and went to a rock an sat down heavily. She remember this scene an now she wished she could change after the wolves she knew there was some stuff she can not change nor should she try. Oh how she wished she could stop Gandalf from falling she knew it was essential to the quest but oh how she hated it.

While she was deep in her thoughts Aereaon poured two cups of tea and walked toward Lily. After making sure no one was watching he secretly poired a little of the potion in her drink. The first dose went by unnoticed and now he had enough trust that she took drink from him without question.

"Lily." When she looped up he handed her the cup. "From Sam."

"Thanks Aereaon." She took a drink still liking the new sweet twist to the tea. An like earlier she quickly finished the cup. and handed it back.

"Mind if I join you?"

Lily sighed. " If it is alright I want to be on my own a moment."

"As you wish." He took the enpty cup from her hand and left.

Lily raised her knees to her chest an wrapped her arms around her legs. What was she going to do? What use was she if she couldn't change anything. She had a fletting thought maybe Boromir was right. Maybe she should have stayed in Rivendell. But even as the thought crossed her mind she knew she was wrong.

Legolas stood beside Aragorn as he saw Lily hug herself. He worries for her of that he knew of his emotions. But he must keep focus.

"Go talk to her."

He looked at Aragorn. "That would be unwise."

"My friends you may not but I have noticed the change in you. You care for her."

Legolas looked at Lily then back at Araogrn. "She is my friend yes."

"You care more for her or the thought of another having interest in her wouldn't bother you."

"It bothers me not who interests her."

"Ah!" Aragorn smiled." You are bothered that she likes another." He sighed. "I have spoken with her an though our discussion is private I can truthfully say she missed her time with you."

Legolas looked at Lily before going to the fire and plating some food an moving to her.

"Lily?" He saw her shoulders tense.

"I don't want to aruge Legolas."

He held out the food. " I wish to apologize for my behavior."

She took the food." It's alright. I'm sorry to." She looked down.

Legolas squatted an pushed his fingers through her hair moving the loose braids back over her ear." Never look down in shame or embarresment you have no reason." He gently took her hand an with Aragorn's words burned into his mind he kissed her hand." Eat, rest enjoy the rest of the night."

As he scalled the rocks Lily quickly ate not realizing how hungry she was. Getting up she took her plate back over to Sam.

"Move your feet." She looked up as Aragorn watched the hobbits train.

Lily looked up as Gimli spoke. "If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not. I'd say that we were taking th elong way round. Gandal, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

"No, Gimli, I would not take the roud through Moria unless I have no other choice."

Lily felt her heart break/ Balin and Orin dead in Moria. An if Gimli believe them alive then so fo everyone else. It would kill Dwalin to hear of his death an Ori, Nori and Dori would be heart broken.

"What is that?" Lily looked up as Gimli huffed.

"Nothing, it's just a whisp of clouds."

Lily stepped closer to the hobbits as Boromir stood. "It's moving fast... against the wind."

"Crebain! From Dunland!"

Aragorn looked around. "Hide!" He grabbed his sword. "Hurry." In a flurry everyone made it to thier them up hiding them. As they hid Lily tried to find a spot but before she could worry Legolas grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the bushes. They rolled inder one an Lily found herself on her back as Legolas's body covered hers protecting her/ As she heard the birds she started trembling she felt his arm come up to cover her head. She grabbed his tunic in her fist as she hid her face in his chest.

As they cirlced Lily clinched Legolas closer. Seconds seems like hours. Thgouh they circled only about a minute it felt like an eternity. As they left Legolas lifted himself off Lily before turning and herlping her up.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched. We must take the pass of Caradhras," When everyone looked at the mountain Lily looked at Legolas only to blush when she saw he was looking at her.

"Thank you."

Without a word he lifted his hand his fingertips brushing her cheel an up to her hair. She felt a small pull an when he pulled back he had a small twig in his hand.

"I promised you I'd look after you. I don't make light my word." When she shivered his eyes narrowed. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know." She saw everyone was on the other side of the rocks." I just fell cold an I know its not the weather. There is something dark coming. SHe looked at Legolas as she took a step forward. "I feel it almost like its closing aroudn me. It scares me Legolas."

"We can protect you."

"I know but I feel like there isn't anything solid for me to hold on to, like the darkness will take me away," As her head dropped Legolas placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Lily looked at me." She looked up and Legolas was almsot undone by the unshead tears he saw. "I am solid." Lily but her lip as Legolas brought his face an inch closer. "I am solid."

Lily sighed an not caring she stepped forward and wrappe dher arms around Legolas an laid her head on his chest. Legolas was stiff a moment before he releaced an wrapped his arms around her halding her close. Without a thought he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before tucking her under his chin. As he held her start to relax a stange feeling ran through him.

His hand came udner her weapons were he could feel her psine, as he pulled her closer. He felt Lily snuggle closer in his embrace. Legolas was baffled at the feeling that were awalening in him. But he knew the maunb thing, He'd do whatever it took to amke sure Lily was safe. An not because of a promise but he felt almost compelled to make her safe. Make her happy. He knew that they had to leave but he would take this moment. This moment to hold her and be close to her.

Aragorn got everyone packed whrn he noticed neither Legolas nor Lily was with them Boromir had noticed as well but a hand from Aragorn stopped him.

"I'll retrieve them." As he walked off he noticed Aereaon glaring at Lily's and Legolas's packs. Why? His thoughts were interupted as he walked around the rock to see the two said people embraced. He hoped Legolas took his advice. An Legolas being elf knew he was there.


"Gandalf said we're are to leave."

"We'll be there in a moment."

Aragorn nodded an walked off. A small ray of hope coming through for his friend and niece. But as they thought accured a terror followed like him she was human she'll grow old an dir. That would kill Legolas.

Legolas stepped back and looked at Lily." We must go."

She nodded. "Alright."

"Remember if need be I am here." He kissed her forehead. "I am solid if there is a need for it."

"Thank you Legolas." They turned an after grabbing thier packs followeing the others toward the moutain.

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