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A figure wove through the shadows of the trees behind the market stalls. The figure darted among the crowds and stalls in the dusk light. It stopped by the back of a red and gold covered stall. The figure picked up a blue orb with faint traces of yellow swirls out of a cloudwood crate. It petted the orb affectionately, and jerked up when it heard footsteps. The figure ran off into the night as an angry merchant yelled after it.

"Thief! Thief! He stole my dragon egg!"

Some big men ran out after the figure, but it was too fast. The figure soon lost its pursuers by diving into a bush when it had a lead on its pursuers. As the footsteps of the men grew faint, the figure sneaked through the forest and into a village nearby. It set the egg down in a pothole by the town hall. Then, the figure ran off into the night. The egg was all alone.


"What a beautiful morning it is!" The town mayor commented to his wife as they stepped out of the town hall.

"Yes indeed- Tom! Watch your step!" the mayor's wife said.

"Wha-" the mayor looked down to see a blue shimmer in the grass. He stooped down and picked up the blue shimmer out of a grass-covered pothole.

"By fire it's a sky dragon egg!" the mayor exclaimed.

"Where could it have come from?" The mayor's wife wondered, looking up into the sky.

"I'm sure whoever left it will come back to claim it. For now, I'll put the egg with the Dragon Festival eggs." The mayor reopened the town hall doors and disappeared inside. His wife took one last look at the sky before she walked in after him and shut the town hall's massive doors. 

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