Chapter 2- the woman at the door

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Omg they dooo😂

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Omg they dooo😂

Here's the second chapter thanks for reading!

Comment and vote as much as ya like🤷🏼‍♀️

Who the hell could possibly be here this late at night?!

Oh god it's like the scene in the horror movies, I mean who the hell is at a cabin in the middle of nowhere knocking on someone's door at
11 o'clock at night!

A serial killer that's who!

Should I open it?

Should I hide, run and hide in Mexico?

I ain't gonna die today bitch!

I'm too young to dieee!

I was making a mental argument to myself if I should open the door and finally I slowly walked up to the door slowly and cautiously with and raised eyebrow.

'Please don't be a serial killer, please don't be a serial killer' my mind was pleading as I got closer and closer.

I finally reached the door and opened the door to reveal.....

Demi Lovato....?

I looked up at her in confusion then rubbing my eyes, am I on drugs? am I dreaming?

Why was a pop star in the middle of the woods, at night?

I mean who would think she would actually be standing at my door.

I raised my eyebrows at her and once she saw me she did the same, her long brown hair was flowing past her shoulders.

"Uhhhhh can I help you?" I said looking up at her not really knowing what to say.

She just looked down at me in slight confusion and raised an eyebrow

"Umm kid, are your parents home?" Demi asked me looking past the door a little and I just stepped in the way of her sight making her focus on me more.

"Depends on why your asking?" I Said suspicious squinting my left eye a little while turning my head slightly.

She just looked at me and sighed

"I got lost and don't know where The fuck I'm at, its cold as shit, and I don't know how to work a fucking GPS, wait, god dammit your like 7 and I sweared fucking shit, I mean- uhm I was wondering if I could stay here until morning." She said looking around and shivering a little from the cold

I stared at her for a few moments, debating if I should let her in and after a few seconds of basically observing her I finally sighed and gestured for her to come in, closing the door behind me.

"Sooo where are your parents kid?" While walking next to me and I showed her the coat rack to hang her coat up and she put it up.


Umm think, lex fucking think!

"Uh-m they are on a business trip to- Africa?" I said as more of a question than in answer and she raised her eyebrows at me

"You don't sound very sure of your answer to my question." She said suspiciously looking me down as if trying to analyze my emotions, or figure out my thought If she stared any longer.

"Take a picture Demi, it might last longer." I Said in a smart tone and she looked down embarrassed for a second making me laugh a little.

"Well your a sassy one aren't you?" She Asked and which I shook my head smiling and walked to the bedroom while she followed and I showed her the guest room which clearly hasn't been used in a long time but it was still surprisingly clean.

"You can set your bags in here, are you hungry?" I Asked her trying to at least be polite but god knows how hard that is.

"Ugh! Yes please I'm fu-freaking, starving." She said trying to correct herself and I chuckled at her

"Nice save." I Said while smirking and she just rolled her eyes

"Oh shut up." She said and I laughed at her surprised at how much I warmed up to her so easily.

We walked down to the kitchen and I looked in the fridge for food which there was barely anything there considering I drink only tap water most of the time.

"pancakes?" I Asked suggestively since it was pretty much the only thing I learned how to cook and she nodded chuckling

"Sounds good to me as long as it's food." She shrugged and I nodded smiling while I was cooking Demi kept talking to me and it wasn't until I realized how long it has been since I've actually talked to a person considering I only go to get food once a month.

"Sooo are your parents okay with this and all?" Asked Demi out of the blue and I almost tripped and stumbled at her words

"Oh- uh they probably won't care they aren't really home." I Said trying to be as casual as possible and she nodded furrowing her perfectly arched eyebrows a little confused

"Aren't you a little you know, young to be alone?" She Asked and I shrugged

"Eh it's whatever." I Said but in reality I was in more danger of her finding out than I thought.

Once I finished cooking her pancakes she ate them while we both played 20 questions asking each other back and forth.

"So whats your name?"

"Alex." I Said

"What's your favorite color?" Asked Demi

"Red and blue, what's your favorite animal?" I answered her while continuing with the game.

"Either a dog or cat, what's your favorite movie?"

"Mean girls, what's your favorite food?" I Asked her

"Aren't you a little too young to be watching that movie." She said and I rolled my eyes

"Demi I'm fine it's just a movie Aren't you a little too old knowing better than to slip out cuss words in front of kids." I Said to her rasing my eyebrows and she playfully glared at me while I smirked at her and us laughing

"My turn! What's your favorite food?" I Asked her and she immediately answered

"chocolate chip cookies!" She said excited and I chuckled at her childishness we continued asking each other questions until Demi got tired and decided to go to bed but before she did we both looked outside,

When We did I saw a blizzard and sighed she looked out of the window.

"Ummm you wouldn't happen to let me-" she started off but I immediately interrupted her shaking my head smiling

"Fine you can stay until the storm blows over" I Said nodding and she smiled thanking me while hugging me and I tended but hesitantly relaxed at her touch.

After she pulled away and went to bed saying good night to me.

I sighed actually smiling for once feeling happy as happy as I was before my parents died....

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter I will try and update as soon as I can!

Love y'all!


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