Chapter 7

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hi going to continue please read

mayce's pov

I pulled out my phone "hey Amber can you do me a favor?" I asked my friend "sure what favor?" she asked "well you know I have powers," "uh huh"

"well I need you to pretend that your my owner" "why?" she asked "because my work called me and said spend the day we one direction so I turned into a puppy and now I need to turn back but I don't want them to know" I explain "what's in it for me?" she asked "I can give you signatures and tickets" I tell her "ok!" she agreed "good now hurry they-"

"puppy!" harry cut me off "I got to go" I hung up and turned into a puppy then started to whine not bothering to get out of the bathroom.

liam's pov

"do we really have to look for the puppy?" I asked "yes!" niall yelled "pup-" louis was cut off by a whine from the bathroom. zayn opened the door "puppy!" he picked her up and came out "I wanna hold her" niall snatched her out of zayn's hands. the puppy started whining "she needs to go potty" louis informed.

louis' pov

me niall and harry went out side away from the fans and set the dog down. she looked at us "sorry" I turned around and so did harry and niall. I felt something pull on my pant leg "she's down" I said and niall picked her up "ok let's go back" we went to go back "excuse me have you seen my puppy?" a girl asked 'uh oh' I thought and we turned around and she seen the puppy. "Anna!" the girl went to grab the dog but niall moved "uh niall give the girl the puppy" I say "bu- ok" he handed her the puppy

"thank you" she said and started to walk away. "aw niall its ok" harry conferred "ya we'll find another puppy" I added but all niall did was sigh. we started walking back to liam and zayn

mayce's pov

as Amber walked down a sidewalk I saw niall and I suddenly got hit with guilt and sorrow but I we continued to walk then turned a corner and we got into her car. I turned back "thanks" I told her "no problem now how long is their concert?" she asked "'bout 2 hours" I said "aw man!" she whined "don't worry we are going to go do things until they're done"

(2 hours later)

"thanks" I said and I got out of the car. I walked past atone of screaming fans and went to the boys dressing room. "knock knock" I said and the guys stopped what they're doing "oh hi mayce?" zayn said as in a question "genius interviews starting and media and news members coming" I reminded him "oh ya then shouldn't you be in the room?" liam asked "ya but I get to see you guys first though" I said "you snuck past security didn't you?" louis questioned "yes" I blushed "high five" I high fived louis.

I seen niall a little sad "what's wrong with niall?" I asked "this girl came back to get her puppy we have been taking care of for the morning and niall got to attached" harry explained "oh" I said then getting hit with guilt and sorrow 'why am I feeling this' I said "like what?" niall asked "uh-" their manager walked in "ok boys lets go" he said and we walked to the interview room.

after a few questions

"so one direction what would you do if you got separated in atone of fans?" some random person asked "we would uh..." I ignored their reply and seen the table they were sitting at. I focused really hard trying to make a little bit of magma to come up to burn their feet a little.

I rose some under liam and louis feet. after a second they picked their feet up seeing nothing there but their feet hot. I put some under zayn's feet he did the same, I laughed but silenced it quickly when some man looked at me.

interview over on to signing

I walked up to the guys, "hello guys so I need you guys to do something" I said "what?" they chorus together I handed them a paper "for a friend" I told them "sure" niall joked "shut up" I ordered but they signed it any way. "well bye guys" I left and went to were amber was waiting "here and here" I gave her the things I promised "thanks!" she shrieked "now to the hotel" I said

niall's pov

"ok that's it you guys can go now" we got into the car and headed to the hotel. "niall you still bumed about the puppy?" liam asked " a little" I told him "cheer up buddy" louis said we get out of the car and walked to our room "ya I guess I should-" we went into the room and I heard small little barks "Puppy!" I yelled and went over to her.

I picked her up "but how?" zayn and harry asked.  "I don't know but we are keeping her" I ordered "niall really?" liam asked "yes" I told him bluntly "then talk to management" liam sighed going to the kitchen part of the room (they have the fancy room with bathroom and kitchen you know)

"so puppy do you want a name?" I asked and she barked "ok so how about happy?" I asked and she growled "ok how about baybay?" she growled "ok yummy?" she growled

hi guys and gals I know not very long but please help niall name the "puppy". she looks like a white puppy but with a big tan spot on her back and her paws are tan so again help niall name the puppy thanks and bye! :)
oh and I know they aren't doing anything thing supernatural but don't worry I am planning something big that involves them using their powers and just to let you know dill and phill are not gone

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