Chapter 12

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Louis' pov

We secretly flew over to the abandoned building to get mayce. "Come out dill!" Harry yelled as we stand in the building. "Sure" dill simply agreed and came put of nowhere "how did you do that?" I asked "what? This?" Dill said and turned invisible. "Easy, I just took a little blood from mayce" he replied "what?!" We all yelled. Dill started laughing and turned invisible. I turned on my heat vision and looked for his body heat.

"Mates, I can't find his body heat" I said "me neither" liam said. "Over here" dill finally said something and we looked over to see him standing next to a glass box that held mayce in it. "Let me out!" Mayce banged on the glass "shut up!" Dill yelled at her. I turned into a tiger and niall a wolve and we ran towards dill and mayce. "Guys! Don't!" Mayce yelled and as we pounced phill jumped in front of me and nial and punched us both.

Niall yelped and I snarled as we landed hard on the ground. "Louis! Niall!" The boys yelled and ran over to us "phill took her strength" dill chuckled "why are you doing this!?" Liam yelled "well, you 6 made my life a living hell, no one believed me about you guys and I had to me taken to a mental hospital" dill said "its not our fault you were born crazy" mayce commented.

"Shut up!" Dill yelled and slapped mayce using telekinesis. I groaned in pain as I sat up and niall sat up too. Harry and zayn used super speed to run towards dill and mayce but phill kicked back zayn and punched harry. "Phill is no match for you weaklings"

Mayce's pov

Phill came back to the side of the box. "phill why are you letting your brother push you around like that?" I asked him quietly "classified" he said and I looked at him weird. "Uh ok, but can you tell me how you and your brother got my powers?" I asked "that is classified as well" phill now sounded weird. I look through his clothes and seen wires and gears. I gasped "boys! Dill is using a robot!" I yelled.

Harry's pov

"Guys here that?" I said as we hid somewhere trying to figure out what to do. They all nodded "so how about liam, you can use magnetic and zayn you destroy the robot as liam holds him, lou and niall, fight off dill abd I retrieve mayce" I said the plan and they nodded. "Go" I said and we attacked. Liam grabbed 'phill' and zayn ripped the head off, making the thing spark.

"No!" Dill yelled as I head for mayce. Dill lunged at me but niall and louis grabbed him back. Dill threw niall and louis and I used super speed to get to the glass box. Suddenly I got picked up and through at the box, making me break it and getting glass in me and I'm sure mayce as well. Mayce moved out of the broken box as I landed were she once stood.

Liam and zayn grabbed dill but dill just slammed then into the ground. I gasped as liam and zayn didn't move, I tried to move but there was to much pain. "Mayce go hide" I told her "but-" "go!" I yelled as she ran. I went to heal myself but dill walked up to me and stepped on my side. I screamed out in pain as I seen dill smile. "Any last words?" Dill asked and I huffed out some air trying to contain the pain.

"Ya! Bad guys never win!" I heard mayce yell and dill was tackled to the floor. I looked up and seen a giant wolf holding down dill, I breathed and focused on trying to heal myself. I jumped up and ran over to the guys "zayn? Liam?" I shook them and they didn't respond. I healed them but still no response, I got and ran to where I saw niall and louis last. I seen them talking to something "guys! Liam and zayn aren't responding" I said and they ran over to them.

I looked to see who they were talking too. "phill?" I said "heyo" he said "but how?" I asked "dill locked me up in a room so I wouldn't tell you guys that he was trying to get mayce and kill you all" he confessed "wow" I said then I heard a yelp. I turned around to find just lou kneeling next to liam and zayn. "Be right back" I said and ran over to lou.

"Niall went to help mayce fight dill, and dill turned into a wolf too" louis explained as I kneeled next to the unconscious ones. "Mayce!" Niall warned then all you heard was a loud crack and yelp at the same time.

Hey guys and gals hope you liked my chapter. I should die now because I left you at a bad cliffhanger uh? Well bye bye! Thanks for reading

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