Chapter 10

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hi guys and gals im here with another chap hope you enjoy

mayce's pov

"hurry up! I have a feeling management is going to call and we will be stuck here!" I yelled "but I can't find my puppy" niall complained "niall you are 20, no need to whine" I pinched the bridge of my nose. suddenly my phone buzzed and I seen my manager calling.

"In The Car!" I yelled and we all threw our phones onto the kitchen table and ran out of the hotel. I got into the diver side, liam got shotgun, louis sitting behind me with harry on his lap then zayn took the middle seat and niall on the seat behind liam. "ok, larry I assume you hide your faces because media will be all over you guys just because harry had to sit in louis' lap" I chirped.

before I drove off I heard louis. "your light? are you eating ok?" "shut up boo -3-" harry said and I chuckled and drove off.

Dill's pov

I have know idea how phill got us to the White House and past the security to the president.

I walked up to the president's desk and put the tape on it. "what's this?" he asked "that sir is a video of a supernatural person" I told him, so the president's put in the tape and played it. "young man, where is she?" he asked and I smiled "with other supernatural people" I told the president. "if you get them all on camera using powers, I will give you the right away to call me and have all 6 of them sent to be experimented on" the presaid and I smiled evily.

louis' pov

"this doesn't look safe?" I said to liam and zayn. "just go down and you will see its fun!" zayn said and I sighed "ok" I sat on the slide and they pushed me with super strength and I pulled in my arms. I screamed as I felt the drop of the slide then finally I was at the bottom.

"ya alright louis!, ya you did it!" I heard harry and niall say. "where's mayce?" I asked as I got off the slide and walking over to them and sat on the bench they were sitting on. suddenly a very high pitched scream filled our ears. "there she is" harry said and we watched as she slid down the slide and finally got to the bottom. she stood up kinda shaking then sat with us. "they added soap and extra water then pushed me really hard!" mayce said scared.

"hahaha poor mayce" I pretend to pout and I patted her head. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" we heard liam scream as he slid down the slide. then after that came zayn and he had kind of a girl scream. "ok lazy lake now" niall said and we got up and grabbed single inner tubes and headed to a lake that went in a circle with jets making the water go in a circle and you sit on an inner tube and float around.

we had to be careful because we left our section and into the public section, were fans are at. I love our fans but being attacked by them is not fun, I sat in the inner tube and so did the others. harry quickly moved zayn's and mayce's tubes making them sit in the water instead. we laughed "hahahaha styles, watch it" mayce said seriously.

"watch what?" he asked and gave zayn and mayce their inner tubes back. "you'll see" she said, and throughout the entire time we were on the lazy lake, her and zayn have been talking quietly. finally when we got off the lake we headed back to our section, while we were walking zayn  telepathically pulled harry's hair and he chased after mayce and zayn.

liam, niall, and I watched as harry fell into their trap. we watched as they lured harry onto this really tall and big water slide. once harry was about to catch them, they went down the slide but of course screamed. harry didn't go on a water slide yet. I used super hearing and listened to harry, "realky guys? whatever" he said then I stopped listening. he went down the slide and screamed.

after going on almost all the slides we had to leave. so before we left we stopped at an icecream parlor.

"that was fun, thanks for taking me guys" mayce said. "your welcome" we told her, after a minute of silence mayce whined "freaking icecream!" she yelled and stood up. she cleaned up the mess with her powers secretly, then went off to the wash room to clean herself. (i have something planned that's why she didn't clean herself plus she in public)

"whacha doing mate?" I asked niall as he got up after mayce left. "something" he said and I looked at the lads, they had smiles on their faces. "what's he doing?" I asked "just watch" liam said and I looked at where niall went. mayce came out of the wash room and she came up to niall. he handed her another ice cream.

"aw" harry said and they came back over and sat back down. "what?" mayce asked "nothing" we replied.

"bye guys" mayce said and drove off. we walked up to the hotel and went inside then went into the elevator.

mayce's pov

as I got to my house I quickly put away my stuff then change into mia then teleported to their hotel room. I sat on the couch then the minute after I sat down the boys came into the room. I barked and they seen me "mia!" niall chirped and my tail suddenly started wagging.

I tried to stop my tail but it waged fast as niall came to pick me up. niall picked me up and I bark and waged my tail even more, "some puppy is happy to see niall" liam commented and I glared at him knowing exactly what he meant. there was a knock at the door and harry answered it, but he used his telepathic to open it. "no one" he said.

"hey I got an idea, how about we turn off the light and play hide and seek but with night vision" zayn suggested "really?" louis asked "actually not a bad idea" niall said. they all agreed to the game and niall set me down on my little bed and liam turned off the lights as they all turned invisible but since zayn came up with the idea he's it.

so he didn't turn invisible but he turned on his night vision. I turned my on too, suddenly I felt a present near me, so I followed the feeling and I bumped into louis. I backed away and ran back to my bed.

2 hours

the boys played lots of games and they used their powers too. one game they seriously played duck duck goose, but they turned into duck and one into a goose if chosen. when liam was goose now was my time to get back at him. I jumped off my bed and ran at him chasing him, while barking. "liam! your a goose! they chase puppies" zayn said and we stopped in our tracks and when liam turned around I gulped.

I yelped as I got chased but then duck niall  tried to stop him but remember they were playing duck duck goose. so liam chased both of us.

another game they played was red light green light. the one who was it changed colors they were thinking, also they had to be careful cause they got tackled by who ever got there first. the runners seriously ran with super speed.

but they had fun, and I got to chase more geese and ducks but that was it, then they went to bed. as we got settled down I heard thunder clap and me being a puppy of course got s ared so I ended up sleee at the end of niall's bed.

Dill's pov

"stupid boy you guys just realised that you were being recorded?" I told my self. me and phill snuck into their hotel room and put up hidden cameras. the only problem is, we need to go back in there and get the tapes.

harry's pov

I was startled by the sound of people talking. apparently when I sleep my super hearing works. I got up and turned invisible and grabbed a bat from under my bed and went to the room the noise came from. I seen no one in there, so I checked all the rooms nothing. so I went back to bed just shrugging it off.

Morning Dill's pov

I gave the tapes to the president and he smiled. "turn them in when ever you like" the president said and I smiled evily.

"oh I have the perfect way of capturing them" I told

oh crap dill has finally got proof that one direction and mayce has powers. what do you think Dill's plan is? leave your thought in the comments. thanks for reading this chapter hope you liked it. bye bye!

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