IM BACK BOO YA. oh and I have a question,.....I forgot nvrmind.....stupid brain
liam's pov
I laid on the couch as the lads went to bed. I seen the puppy clumsy walk out of the dog bed she was giving to sleep out in the living room. its just a blanket. the puppy walked over to me and looked at me, I picked her up and put her on my chest.
"why does niall have to like dogs?" I talk to the puppy and she just looked at me. "you don't understand do you?" I asked and she just kept looking at me. suddenly she started whining abd my eyes widened and I ran to the door trying to get to the ground level.
after potty
I walk back into the living room and put the dog back on its blanket. she whined "what?" I asked "liam" mia said and I stepped back but I tripped "you just-!" "I know I talked liam, its me mayce!" she growled "now don't tell the others but I was told to watch you guys and report what you do and so far you guys did nothing" mia- I mean mayce said "why didn't you go home once we went to bed?" I asked her "I like sleeping late and if I wasn't there in the morning niall will be depressed" she added.
then I knew what she was doing, "you stayed because you like niall and don't like him upset" I said smirk. "I do not!" she said then started barking. "liam what are you doing to my pup?" niall said horsely walking into the living room. "I'm just talking to her?" I said more in a question then answer "uh ok but its one in the mornin go to bed" niall said going back to his room and mayce looked at me.
"I'll call my manager and see if they can give you guys tickets to the water slides" mayce said walking over to her little blanket and laying down. water slides? sounds fun "ok deal but when are you telling the others your mayce?" I asked the small white and tan dog "I will later" she says falling asleep. I head to my room and go to bed.
I woke up before the lads surprisingly, I walk over to mayce's bed. "hey dog walk up and come with me out side" I tell her and she gets up and I pick her up and we go outside the hotel by the slow elevator.
"so today I will tell niall I'm taking you some where, you turn human, talk to your management and I talk to my management and see about the water park" I explain tomayce. "ok" she agrees and I take her behind a bush and she turned human. "I'm going to get dressed" I said and went up to the room.
I got ready and the lads were still sleeping. I went down to the ground floor and I seen mayce waiting in her car. "wow you drive now?" I say "oh haha payne, get your ass in the car" she says and I got in and we drove off. we first went to the band's management and of course paps where their, mayce had sun glasses on she covered some of her face.
"liam! where are the others?" "did you and niall get into a fight?" "are you and the others breaking up?" "who drove you here?" "is she your new girlfriend?". I finally got inside
mayce's pov
I sat in the car and ignored the muffled questions from the flashing lights. I some how seen liam coming to the car and I unlocked the car just long enough for him to get in. I went to drive away but the paps were in the way. I pushed on the horn and just kept my hand there, finally they moved and I drove off.
we got to my management and not that much paps were there. "mayce why are you driving liam payne?" "are you guts dating?" "what! no" I tell them I got inside.
I came back out with 6 water park tickets, then I get in my car and we go back to the hotel. we get out of the car and I secretly change into mia and liam carry me into the hotel.
zayn's pov
"so let me get this straight? you got tickets to a water park?" I asked "yes but they gave us 6 so" liam told me "we should bring mayce" niall said and we all looked at him "what lets bring her so she can for give us?" niall asked "maybe but she does easily picks fights" lou said and just as he finished his statement mia started coughing on her food. niall got up and walked over to mia, he went to pick her up but she bark and nipped at niall's hand.
she continued to cough but not for long cause niall spanked her. "bad mia!" he said and I could've sworn I seen a blush on mia's cheeks. is that even possible?. niall went to pick her up but instead she just ran off to somewhere in the house like room. "mia!" niall said but then came back to the couch and pouted. "oh nialler, she was just shocked you...strucked....her..on.....I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" liam yelled and got up.
mayce's pov
I quickly ran off into one of the bedrooms and I turned human. I leaned against the wall dumbfounded at what niall did, I blushed deeply remembering. "mayce" I heard liam call quietly and I turned invisible, I flew up and started in the air. "mayce I know your in here I see your body heat" liam and I landed on the bed. going visible again "niall spanked my bum" I said quietly holding my butt.
"well thats what you do to a pup thats being bad, did you forget that?" liam asked and I nodded blushing again. "well I'm sure niall feels bad right now cause you ran away" liam tells me "I should go back huh?" I whispered "ya" liam said and I sighed then turned into mia again.
we walked out of the bedroom and I tucked under liam's arm. "found her" liam said and niall looked up "mia!, can I hold you?" he asked and I stuck my head and sneezed on his face the I tucked back. "I'm guessing thats a no?" niall said wiping his nose. "here not my puppy" liam said to niall and started handing me over to niall. I panicked and fell out of liam's hands. I whined and I seen niall use super speed to help me.
I blushed, and pushed away "you alright mia?" harry asked. I barked happily kinda, "she's fine" niall ushered and started stroking my back. I started melting into the petting, soon I fell asleep.
3 hours later (5:00pm)
I woke up to the sound of singing. "thats nice boys excellent!" I heard an unfamiliar voice. I got up and fell of the couch I was on, I let out a big yelp. I laid there and I heard footsteps coming to me "mia silly puppy didn't you fall?" niall asked. 'mother fucker! I am a small ass dog and I fell off this big couch, and your ASKING if I FELL? ' I said in my head. niall picked me and placed me on the couch again and then he poked my nose and I suddenly felt sleepy.
as niall walked away I fell asleep.
Time skip (5:30)
I woke up to a buzzing sound and I realised it was my phone. I got up and I looked around seeing I was still on the couch, I left my body and searched for the boys. I found them talking to Simon Cowell, I went back to my puppy body.
I quickly turned human and went off into a bathroom and locked the door. I called back who was calling, "so miss mayce, how is reasearch coming along?" my manager asked "its going ok, we are going to the water park for a weekend and one direction's management cleared off a section for just us to hang around there" I talked into my phone and unlocked the bathroom door and walking out getting to deep into my conversation.
"well mayce if you want to keep your job, I SUGGEST YOU GET TO THE RESEARCH!" my manager screamed into my ear. "well dev if you want your information, I SUGGEST YOU SHUT UP!" I told off my manager. "fine!" he snapped and hung up, "the nerve of that guy" I said to myself "who?" I heard a voice and I screamed then turned into a turtle and went into my shell. "mayce it's just us?" louis said and I poked my turtle head out. "meanie" I told them with a very squeaky voice.
I turned back to normal, "my manager is a big D" I told them and started to walk on the wall. "mayce there are people here" zayn reminded me. "oh right" I said said and jumped off the wall, "mayce want to meet my dog mia?" niall asked and my eyes widened. "what?" he asked, "I uh-" "lads! you need to rehearse one last time" simon told them and I sighed.
they walked off to somewhere and I sighed and turned into mia and sat patiently waiting for them.
harry's pov
'something seems off about mayce and mia' I thought. 'no there's not!" liam apparently listened to my thought. 'liam do you know anything about this?' I asked mentally. "harry! focuse!" Simon yelled "sorry"
liam: people say we shouldn't be together to know about forever
'but something does seem off about those two' I thought before singing my part
hi guys and gals thanks for reading this chapter and I think harry is starting to catch on to what's been going on. but like I said hope you liked the chapter, bye bye!

One Direction Supernatural(completed)
Teen Fiction5 boys with some sort of supernatural powers happen to meet by fate now they are the worlds number one direction they had a freak accident and when they met in the x factor they found out well fastward to 2014. Louis 22 zayn 21 niall 20...