Chapter 1

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Michael and I stumbled through the hotel door. All you could hear was Michael giggling and me constantly shushing him. See, that's the difference between Michael and I. I don't get drunk. Michael on the other hand, has trouble remember his own name after a few shots. I had never seen Michael drunk before, but from what I've heard from the boys I knew this would be fun. Michael and I were forced to share a room together, due to the fact that we were always the ones out late. But, I'm sure drunk Michael couldn't be the worse thing in the world.
I had sat Michael down gently on the couch, so I could fetch him some water. I came back to find him going on about losing his thumb.
"It was there a second ago", he said , staring at his fists.
I sighed as I put the glass of water on our coffee table and sat down next to Michael.
"Michael. Sweetie.", I said as I grabbed his hands, " Your thumbs are still here."
I opened up Michael's balled up fists just to see him react with such excitement.
"You found them! You found my thumbs! Thank you! "
Michael wrapped me up in a big warm hug and nuzzled his face into the crook in my neck. Realizing this hug lasted longer than I anticipated, I awkwardly patted Michael on the back. Michael slowly pulled away but still kept a close distance.
"Thanks for taking care of me", he said.
"No problem", I chuckled. "Now here, drink this, so I can go to bed." I passed Michael the glass of water, watching him devour it within seconds. He put his empty glass on the coffee table and resumed to stare at me.
"Michael are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah. I just never realized how hot you were. Holy shit", he lightly laughed.
"You're drunk", I said getting up slowly.
"No, I mean it", he said pulling me back by my arm.
"Actually, I think you're quite beautiful." I watched his fingers and as he brushes his non-missing thumbs against my cheek.
"So beautiful," he mumbled right before he lightly pecked my cheek with his lips. He started planting soft kisses from my cheek down to my collarbone. Before I knew it, he was sucking harshly on my neck, and I had no intentions to stop it. But of course, my conscience just had to get in the way of things.
"Michael wait," I said, gently pushing him away.
"What- what's wrong? Was I doing it wrong? ," Michael rambled.
"No. No you didn't. It's just.. this is wrong. You don't really mean any of that stuff. I know you don't like me, okay? Plus, I don't want to take advantage of you."
"But I do like you ", he said lazily.
"Yeah right," I said shaking my head.
"I do. C'mon give me a chance." That was all I needed to hear before I crashed my lips into his. Michael kissed back instantly as he pulled at the bottom at my t- shirt. I put my hands over his as I pulled away.
"Michael are you sure you want to do this?"
"Of course I do," he replied. Michael touched our foreheads together and stared into my eyes for a bit.
"I love you so much" , he mumbled right before he continued his previous tasks. Of course, I'm not going to get into detail of what occurred that night. But, I can honestly say it was the best night of my life. I mean, Michael was finally seeing me as more than just a friend. Or at least, that's what I thought. Because in the end, he didn't love me. He didn't think I was beautiful. In the end, he was just drunk.


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