Chapter 7

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Dylan pulled away, breathing heavily, with his lips hovering over mine.

"Wow," he said, rubbing his thumb gently against my bottom lip.

"Yeah," I said smiling. "Wow."

This time it was Dylan who made the first move. He caught me off guard, attaching his lips to my neck. I lightly gasped at the sudden contact. I felt him suck harshly, making me release a quiet moan. My hands went up to his hair and started tugging softly. He pulled away, blowing on the warm, wet patch of skin. He grinned, before biting on my now,bruised skin.

"Dylan," I moaned softly.

He pulled away, sitting up straight, with his back against his living room couch. He tugged at my arm, pulling me towards him. I straddled him, making his eyes widen. I leaned in and kissed him passionately, as he drew small patterns on my thighs. I took advantage of my current position and starting grinding down on him. We both groaned into the kiss and I felt Dylan's hand squeezing my thighs. The harder I grinded on him, the tighter his grip on my thighs would become. I pulled away and buried my head in his neck, continuously grinding on him. Dylan wrapped his arms around me, pulling me even closer. My whimpers became louder and louder, but came to a stop when I heard the sound of keys jingling outside Dylan's door. Before I knew it, Michael and Bea were in the room and I was pulling myself off of Dylan.

"What the fuck is this?," Michael yelled.

"Michael, calm down," Beatrice said.

"No. Don't tell me to calm down Bea. Ashton what the fuck are you doing here, and why the fuck did I just catch you making out with some dude!?," Michael yelled.

"I have a name," Dylan interrupted.

Michael have him a quick glare, making Dylan put his hands up in defense.

"I- I was just waiting for you and-", I began, looking everywhere but at Michael.

"- You don't even like boys!," Michael cut me off. "You've told me you weren't gay Ashton. Was my best friend lying to me?," Michael said, with pain in his voice.

"Michael...," Beatrice began. "Did you really not know Ashton was gay?"

"You knew ?," he said, now with anger in his voice.

"Everyone knew.. Wasn't it obvious?," Beatrice added.

"What? No, it wasn't fucking obvious. How was I supposed to know that-"

"Who gives a shit?", Dylan interrupted, catching everyone's attention.

"Excuse me?," Michael said.

"If he's happy then I don't see what's the big deal."

"Oh I get it now," Michael said. "Damn it Ashton, did he put you up to this?"

"What?," I said, finally looking directly at Michael.

"Did he plan all of this? Is this some kind of joke?... and what the fuck is that?", he said, pointing at the bruise on my neck.

I quickly put my hand over it, looking down in embarrassment.

"Did he do that to you Ashton? Did he fucking take advantage of you Ashton? Because I swear to god if he did-"

"No!" I screamed at Michael, causing everyone to stare at me. "No, he didn't take advantage of me Michael. We were making out. Want to know why? Because I fucking let him. Want to know why I let him? Because I'm fucking gay! I like boys. I like penises, or dicks, or whatever you want to call them. They're fucking great. You know what else is great? Butts. Butts are pretty fucking great too. You know what they're really good for? Fucking. I love getting my ass fucked. I love riding pretty teenage boys with big sweaty arms and pink plump lips. And I like to call them daddy while doing it!" I screamed, making it my goal to piss off Michael.

"Shut the fuck up Ashton!," Michael said, cutting me off. "You're not fucking gay. My best friend is not gay. There's no way in hell, that my best friend is gay-"

"Best friend?," I said before chuckling. "Do you honestly still consider us best friends? My best friend would know that I was gay. My best friend would accept that I was gay. My best friend wouldn't use gay as an insult towards me. My best friend wouldn't force me to to be someone I'm not. My best friend wouldn't constantly ditch me for others. My best friend would be there for me when I needed someone. My best friend wouldn't laugh at me for being oversensitive. That's not you Michael," I said. At this point I was sniffling and wiping tears from my eyes. "You're not my best friend Michael. In fact, I don't know who you are."

Michael stood there with no expression. He was clenching his fists and biting his lower lip, clearly struggling to find the right thing to say.

"We're going home Ashton."


"Not buts!," he yelled, making me jump. "We're discussing this when we get home. This isn't over. Understand?," he added.

"I understand," I mumbled, making my way towards the door.

"Wait!," Dylan said, pulling me by my arm. "Before you go," he said, smirking at Michael, before crashing his lips into mine. He cupped my face as my hands went around his waist. He made sure to make small moans and whimpers escape our mouths, just to fuck with Michael. He slowly pulled away, gently tugging on my bottom lip, before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Talk to you soon babe," he said, grabbing my hand, gently rubbing his thumb over it.

Alright, that's it," Michael said, grabbing my hoodie and yanking me towards the door. "Thank you Bea. The date was lovely. I'll call you."

We both waved and made our way out, leaving a very confused Beatrice but of course a very proud Dylan.



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