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The crowd's cheers were so loud that it was making me thrilled and proud. After we performed KoKoBop for the last time, all of the members went to the exit and Sehun called for me but a hand was laced around me and guided me to the dressing room so as the others.

"Good job everyone! Let's eat together later." Junmyeon invited.

"What about soju and galbi? Since our next promotion will be the other day..." I heard Jongdae suggested and all the other members started chattering and Chanyeol was about to say something but Minseok interrupted him asking where the face wipes are.

I was left sitting on the corner but Jongin laughed out of the blue and it was so contagious that all of us laughed without knowing what's funny.

"Ya! What are you even laughing at." Kyungsoo approached him and Jongin have his eyes focused on his phone with little laughs trailing from his mouth.

I was smiling wide an aftermath of laughing too hard.

"Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyung are trending on twitter because they saw Baekhyun hyung in Chanyeol's jeep."

I fell silent and swallowed a hard lumped in my throat. I saw Chanyeol and Minseok hyung came back and he sat beside me leaving Minseok hyung wiping his face.

"What are you talking about?" Chanyeol asked and Junmyeon chirped in while gathering his things.

"The two of you are trending again, on twitter."

I did a nervous laughed and I heard a scoffed from the other corner of the room.

"Manager hyung is outside waiting for us. He said the van has arrived." Sehun announced and we all stood up and went outside. Kyungsoo talked something about how the fans got big cameras and hq photos of our every performances and I chuckled and engaged in the conversation when I felt a presence beside me and fingers were lacing with my right hand.

"Oh Chanyeol... There you are. I wanted to ask if you're available tomorrow because I want to try recording a new song cover." Kyungsoo looked up at Chanyeol who fell silent and glanced at me. I quickly avoided it and I heard him laughed.

"Ofcourse but let's do it around 12noon tomorrow."

Kyungsoo nodded. I felt out of the place and saw Sehun was busy swiping up on his phone. Maybe I could talk to him. I just don't like the feeling of being left out.

"Sehun-ah, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I asked and his face instantly lit up and tucked his phone back in his pocket.

"Perfect timing hyung. You can watch me and Jongin practice together in the studio. We'll be needing an audience, you know it'll be a waste if no one could get to watch us." He confidently said and finished with a wink.

"Aigoo..." I chuckled and smacked his arm lightly. We continued talking about random stuffs like how our posts quickly get a million likes on instagram and why I wasn't sitting earlier in the rehearsal. Ofcourse I didn't tell him the real reason and quickly averted the topic until we arrived in the parking lot.

Junmyeon went in for the shotgun seat while the other members hopped inside. I was about to step inside too and sat beside Kyungsoo but I whined when someone pulled my hoodie from the back.

I pouted and after seeing it was Chanyeol I quickly went to Junmyeon hyung's window.

"Hyung... Can I sit beside you?" I asked a little nervous by the fact that Chanyeol was glaring at me.


"Manager-nim, Junmyeon hyung I remember I brought my scooter with me and Baekhyun told me he wants some Udon for dinner. We'll go home together instead." Chanyeol held my elbow and pulled me backwards as I bumped my head on his chest.

"If that's what you want. Take care." Manager-nim waved us goodbye and the van started moving. Junmyeon smiled and the other member bid us goodbye except for Sehun who acted busy on his phone.

"I didn't want an Udon." I frowned and he stood in front of me, towering me and I felt small as I looked up at him.

"Why did you ask Sehun's schedule tomorrow? I thought we talked about this Baekhyun-ah..." His sounded calm but there's obviously an anger in it.

He was looking intensely at me and I glared back at him that made his eyes widened.

"Why did you say yes to Kyungsoo earlier? I even wanted to have a date with you but you wanted to spend your day tomorrow with him!" I bursted out and he was taken aback.

"Baek, it's nothing personal and-"

"It's nothing personal while I watch Sehun and Jongin dance in front of me tomorrow." I said and he pursed his lips.

"Didn't you get it?! That's why I told hyung that we'll meet around 12 noon because we'll spend the morning together and the evening after!"

"I'll go home by myself. Maybe a stalker will get me and take me home or her home."

Didn't HE get it?! I am also jealous about him and Kyungsoo yet he's always talking about me and Sehun as if I was cheating on him.

I can never do that to him.

Not to the person I loved the most.

I was about to leave but he held me in place and grabbed my arm.

"Baekhyun don't you dare..." His voice was full of rage, anger, and warn. His hold was getting tighter and I swear it will leave marks later by how painful it was.

"Chanyeol... You're hurting me."

Before anything else happen, he hugged me and buried his face on my head. My heart jumped at his sudden act and I melted in his arms as I blushed and hugged him on his waist.

"Please don't watch them tomorrow."

He whispered.

I don't know if I should get flustered or mad at his jealousy but I found myself nodding and smiled knowing how he wanted me all for himself. I couldn't ask for more. However a thought quickly jumped in my head.

"How unfair. What about Kyungsoo?"

My voice muffled as he sighed and rubbed my back in a gentle manner.

"It's Kyungsoo's carreer and I'll only help him. We'll try to finish recording as soon as possible." I broke the hug and we fell into a staring contest.

"Nothing personal?"

"Nothing personal." He assured and cracked a smile that made my knees wobble. He ruffled my hair and after that he guided me to the other corner of the parking lot where his scooter was and handed me a helmet.

"You love driving with me, don't you?" I asked and he only smiled as he hopped on the scooter and I followed after.

"But I prefer you riding me though." I blushed and pinched him by the arm. He playfully winced and started the scooter.

"Hey, hold on my waist if you don't want to fall on the street."

"But you made me fell inlove with you years ago."

Chanyeol chuckled and drove us out of the parking lot with the fans loud chants welcomed us while their cameras flashed at us and he sped up leaving the place.

I held onto his clothing but I wanted to touch him more. I roamed my eyes around the streets and shrugged.

There's no harm if I held on his waist.

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