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December 31, 2019 Year End Concert

After watching the video clip Chanyeol made for us, memories flooded my mind. The day we all trained together until the day one of us needed to say goodbye.

It's my moment to talk but I was left speechless. My eyes saw the part of me I never expected to see in our sea of audience.

Lu Han?

"Sehunnie, It's alright. Why are you even crying?" Junmyeon-hyung's voice wasn't effective at all. My heart is aching and what I'm staring right now isn't helping at all.

I closed my eyes and leaned on him instead while gathering my thoughts together.

My mind must be playing games to my heart.

The year end concert ended and after we ran backstage, they took photos and some fans greeted us. Why did I even saw his face there? A staff was approaching me while the others continued inside the dressing room.

"Sehun, someone said this is a very important note. I made sure to take care of it so you can read it now." Noona smiled and I don't know what to react so I just smiled back. People around us keep on smiling that's why its like we're used to smile to everyone ever since.

Though some fan from the audience said 'Sehun face' is interesting. I chuckled and my eyebrows furrowed seeing the characters inside the note.

"Is there something wrong Sehun-ssi?" She asked me and fixed her glasses.

My heart suddenly beats fast and as if my eyes couldn't get enough of tearing up, it did, again.

"Who gave this to you Noona?" My head was going left and right trying to seek the person behind this letter but she just said that it was a person wearing black cap and some kind of glasses too.

"Thank you, tell the rest to go first and celebrate. I'll be there after a few minutes!" I shouted because I started running. My palms are sweating and it means I'm getting nervous and damn I'm panicking.


"Take Care"

Staffs and other personnels are greeting me but I couldn't look at them properly. I'm exhausted and I was planning to give up until sobs coming from my left caught my attention.

A person in white loose hoodie and a black cap was holding his glasses was standing in front of the vending machine.

I never thought hunting a deer was this easy.

"Lu." Without hesitation, I turned him around before embracing him inside my arms. His baby scent made me feel lighter as his warmth against mine took all of my exhaustion away.

As he promised, he didn't change.


I'm glad he hugged me back.

Kyungsoo did take a photo with us but after that I never thought my past would become something that would bother him so much.

"I'm sad Jongin."

My mouth opened and pressed a thin line before taking his hand just to brush his knuckles softly against my fingers.

We were somewhere backstage inside the dome. We just finished celebrating New Year's Eve so I decided to meet up with Kyungsoo first before going home.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"It's this time of the year like last year right?"

Oh no.


"I'm sorry. But I couldn't stop remembering how you kissed Jennie in front of me."


It's not that easy to take control of myself.

I always have that image of a 'happy virus'.

But having Baekhyun by my side is different. He brings out emotions that I can't even control. Staring how adorable yet sexy he is. The force to rake him offstage when he's doing his solo is getting strong.

Good thing I'm preventing myself to watch him do that rolling-rolling... Sometimes.

The year end concert is done. The celebration is done. The only thing left to do is to make fireworks with Baekhyun.


My heart fell in the pit of my stomach when he only ignored and walk past through me.

"Baekhyun." I called again and so everyone in hallway including our manager heard me. It's the 'what's-your-problem'.

"Baekhyun-ah, Chanyeol is calling you."

Finally he turned around but it's not the facial expression that I was expecting to witness; He's so down and he was planning to say something that I will mot going to like.

I know it. I just know what it is.

All of them continued walking outside leaving only the two us so I pulled Baekhyun to the fire exit's direction and pinned him carefully on the wall.

"Spill it out Baekhyun." I said not waiting for a second. As I read his lips, even thinking it in slow motion, I heard and saw what it was but I couldn't comprehend.

The words I condemned so much.

"Chanyeol... Let's break up."

My ears are ringing too loud.

a/n: Hi guys these are all going to happen in the next book. I hope you would support it but before anything else, Happy New Year to Us!


don't dorget to leave your thoughts.

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