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"Please don't cause any commotion when you see him. Are still mad?" I asked him this so many times just to assured myself that everything's going to be okay. But with Chanyeol's unpredictable mood, I couldn't be at ease.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at Sehun for trying to jump on my property." We went outside our room heading to the living room because Junmyeon said that he would announce our schedules for the rest of ber months.

However, I already know mine. Maybe the whole group's schedule. I flinched when Chanyeol slung an arm around around me and pulled me closer to his body. I blushed and I couldn't help myself not to smile. He was being territorial with me again. Chanyeol was like that whenever he felt the need to. I actually find it cute but sometimes, it goes overboard to the point that he nearly announced that we're together. It's a very dangerous trait of Chanyeol but It's hard for me to complain about it when I actually like it. Before others see my flattered smile and accused us of something I quickly fixed my composure.

"We're here..." I croaked and mentally slapped myself when my voice cracked. Chanyeol remained silent and I saw the other members beamed a smile at me except Sehun who was busy with his phone.

"Chanyeol I thought you're staying in Japan until today. What happened?" Minseok-hyung asked and the other members nodded too, confused why he was sitting with me.

"I finished it quick because I remembered I have something here that I shouldn't leave unanttended." Chanyeol threw a smirked at Sehun who only rolled his eyes. Good thing they didn't notice them or else it would be another mess.

"Well, I thought Baekhyun is not going to wake up just like a princess." Jongdae snickered. Chanyeol chuckled and threw a couch pillow at him. Minseok-hyung nudged Jongdae but he still continued laughing at me. I only pouted and copied Chanyeol's act.

"Stupid Camel-"

"Okay okay stop that because I still have some things to do outside." Junmyeon was trying to supressed his laughter until we all stop as Jongin was being dragged by Kyungsoo and they're bickering.

"I told you to wake up early you- You'll be late in your shooting!" Kyungsoo harshly fell on the couch as Jongin looked like a kid who just got scolded by his mom.

"Junmyeon-hyung, tell us the schedule quick because I will be late for my shooting and sadly I am getting scolded by someone who also woke up late WHO promised to wake me up early."

Kyungsoo was about to retort at Jongin yet Junmyeon intervene.

I loved all our relationship together. We're like brothers that I wished to have. Obviously except for Chanyeol who was burying his face on my neck that was sniffing me, tickling me as I tried to clamp my mouth shut.

"The whole month of September is free for our group. Well every one of us know our individual schedules for the whole month-"

"Then why are we here~" Jongdae cut Junmyeon off. Good thing Minseok-hyung covered his mouth in instant and Junmyeon-hyung sighed.

"Manager-nim said we will be attending a several awarding ceremonies for the end of the year. He said there might be a few invites this month but it's all tentative. Hey I thought the three of you has a recording sched for this afternoon." Jumnmyeon pointed at Jongdae, Minseok and at me. I swallowed and I tried looking at Chanyeol for some help but he was still busy with my neck.

"I'm not feeling well hyung when Manager-nim exactly called earlier I told him that I couldn't really go outside today that's why it's moved on Friday." I reasoned out. The two nodded so as Junmyeon looked at me with worried eyes.

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