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"Baekhyun- please wait! I'm sorry!"

I ignored Sehun's calls as I entered the dorm first. 5 heads turned their attention at us while I kept walking straight to our room. I'm nervously scared and mad for what happened earlier. It couldn't be undone! His sorry could not undo what Chanyeol saw. Sehun wasn't the one who would face Chanyeol's wrath, it's me.

"Baekkie you look horrible? What happened" Xiumin hyung asked before he let Jongdae slung an arm around him on the couch. I felt a little envy pinched my heart.

"Sehun-ah what did you do?" Joonmyeon stood up and trailed behind Sehun. He's always the one who treats Sehun very well compared to us. He treats him like his own brother. I reached our room and. I twisted the knob before Sehun caught me, locking it behind me. Chanyeol's strong manly scent that covered the room filled my nose and I calmed a bit. His scent was enticing and alluring it was nearly intoxicating.

"Baekhyun! Please I'm sorry!" I wanted to curse at Sehun's plead but the image of Chanyeol's mad and hurt expression earlier in the video call was unbearably painful. I didn't mean to make him feel that way yet he was hurt by seeing me in a lewd position with another guy that I was against also. I slid on the door with a frustrated expression as I sat on the cold floor.

How could I explain this to Chanyeol?

He was definitely furiously mad, and hurt. That's why he's mad.

What the fuck are the two of you doing!?

I gripped my hair as I mentally screamed my frustration and the guilt forming inside my head.

Don't you dare go somewhere and let manager-nim take you back to dorm

I love you, I love you more, I love you the most. Remember not to let anyone touch you later okay?

"I fucked up."


I fell asleep around 2am with a heavy heart and floating mind. However I woke up after the door opened harshly and the bulb lighting up the whole room as I adjusted my eyes to see two figures talking in the doorframe.

"I think Baekhyun slept late, be careful not to wake him up." Kyungsoo's voice?

"How did you know? Did he tell you something?" I swallowed dry after hearing Chanyeol's cold and wary voice. My eyes widened after realizing the situation and I blinked a few times at the tall figure who was holding an LV shoulder bag and a phone to another. Isn't it too early for him to get here? Kyungsoo was in his pj's until Jongin interrupted them with a yawn behind him.

I quickly closed my eyes shut when Kyungsoo turned around to face Jongin.

"Why are you asking my Kyungsoo? Go to your Baek Baek." Jongin said and I blushed hearing my pet name.

"His light was still on when I passed by here around 1am to fetch a glass of water. Besides that, he didn't tell me something. Actually, he came home with Sehun and they looked like they're fighting." Why do you need to tell that Kyungie... I bit my lip in nervousness while acting myself like a heavy sleeper. Don't you dare open your eyes Byun Baekhyun.

"That's enough Chanyeol. Let us sleep. It's only 4 in the morning. Kyung, let's go." Jongin's voice resonated and a sighed was audible. My heart was racing. I didn't feel like waking up. Why did I even wake up? But first of all, Why Chanyeol went back here this early? God Byun Baekhyun, don't dare ask because you literally know why.

"Thanks Kyungsoo. You two go back to sleep. I'll sleep after I wash up." Chanyeol said and the door creaked indicating it was closed.


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