Invasion Of Privacy

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Chapter 5
Demi's pov
Kehlani came home at 3 am. She fell asleep and was sleeping next to me. I saw her phone light up. I leaned over and saw it was some girl. Her contact name was 🖕🖕DesperateBitch😫😫. I unlocked her phone since I know her password. I saw it was a nude of the girl's boobs and a text after it "U up baby?" I keep going through her phone and found more nudes. I screenshotted them and sent them to myself. I put Kehlani's phone back next to her. I went on Instagram and leaked all of the girls's nudes. I was laying there and Kehlani woke up.

"What's wrong baby?" Kehlani asked.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking liar." I replied. I unlocked my phone and showed her the picture. "Who the fuck is she?"

"It's not what is looked like Dem." Kehlani replied.

"I went through your phone. You have a whole lot of girls sending you nudes. Who the fuck are they?" I asked beyond annoyed at this point.

"They are just some hoes who keep getting my number." She told me. "I don't even know them."

"Bullshit tell me the truth!!!!" I yelled.

"That is the truth!!!" She screamed back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!!" I bellowed. She got up putting on her clothes and left slamming the door. I was laying there trying not to freak out because if I do I will track down all of those girls and kill them. I fell asleep and woke up with no one laying next to me. I made myself breakfast. I sat on the couch and Nick walked in. I had my hand on my stomach. "Where's Kehlani?"

"She left, I found nudes in her phone from different girls." I told him.

"I'm so sorry Demi." Nick said. He sat next to me and I cried into his shoulder.

2 Months Later
Demi's pov
I was laying with Nick in my bed. He kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back. I was on top of him kissing him. We kept kissing and my hands went under his shirt. Nick took off his shirt and I kissed his neck. He pinned me to the bed and I was smiling as he was hovering over me. "I can't touch you Dem sorry." Nick told me.

"Fuck I wish you could." I replied. He chuckled and laid next to me. We were cuddling and watching TV. I heard a knock on the door and I got up and answered it. My smile dropped as soon as I saw her. I was about to slam the door in her face but she put her foot in the door.

"Demi please can we just talk about this?" Kehlani asked. I opened the door again.

"No you cheated on me there's nothing to talk about." I replied.

"Please Demi." She begged.

"What makes you think I'll let you go near my baby after what you did?" I asked.

"I fucked up!!! But I never cheated on you!!!" She yelled. Nick came to the door and saw Kehlani.

"Get out of here, you already caused her enough." Nick said. Kehlani left and I felt tears already down my face. He closed the front door and went to my room. He followed me and calmed me down. But I still didn't feel better. I felt like the hole that she punched through my chest got bigger and Nick wasn't gonna be magic solution anymore. I got in my car when he was sleeping. I was in an empty parking lot and was crying in my car. My foot was on the gas pedal and the car was in drive. My car hit the wall that was in front of me which was 50 feet from where I was. I felt my vision getting black and I opened the door. My hand fell out and I passed out with blood dripping off my hand.

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