Newly Found: Chapter Seven

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        I finish eating when TP says, "Why don't we see what skills the two of you have when fighting more than just a single target?" I swallow the food that remains on my plate. Levi, and I get up and stand beside each other as Henley and Zerrie get up to stand in front of us. Levi pulls out his book, and I hold out my hands. This time an iron broad sword appears in front of me. I grab the hilt with two hands and hold in front of me, in a defensive position.

        Henley is standing there with her hands out from her sides, slightly bent at the elbow, and her hands up as if holding a ball. Hovering a couple inches above her hands are small pieces of metal, but big enough for me to see them. Zerrie on the other hand is standing closer to the wall with her katana in her hand.

        I look to Levi and he looks back. We both nod to each other and make the first move. Levi holds his hand above his book and pages start to fly, and surrounds my brother. He thrusts his hand forward towards Zerrie. The pages speedily shoot towards her. They aren't fast enough for she is already on the wall. I take action and leap onto the wall. I throw my sword as I land on the wall. It narrowly misses her ear and I hold my hand out and feel a small knife form in my hand. I crawl at her faster than I thought possible and slice at her with the knife.

        I slice at her arm and create a small cut on her forearm. She winces and lashes back at me slicing a little bit of my hair off. I smile and jump of the wall to the ceiling. I cock my hand back and throw my hand forward. Three throwing knives fly from my hand and hit by her foot. I throw one more and it hits her in the back. She falls and gets up the knife already gone in a puff of smoke. I get down holding my original broad sword, but she holds her hands up in defeat.

        I relax and let the tip of my sword hit the ground. Just as that happens I can feel the sting of small cuts forming on my shoulders. As I turn I can see Henley holding her left hand, palm out, towards me and small metal pieces flying towards me. I hold my hand up, and my aura appears. To my suprise, cause this is the first time I have seen my aura in its true form, it is in the form of a small bird. It flaps its wings and throws itself in front of me. When it is in front of me it grows, to the size of a normal circular shield, and is no longer transparent.

        I look in astonishment at the bird in front of me. "There is only one other person who can do that Jae." Zerrie says behind me and looks at TP. Before I can react the bird shrinks and becomes transparent again. I focus and it flies at Henley. It starts to fly around her allowing its color leave a trail behind it. When it stops I clap my hands together and the birds trail turns to small knives and the shoots towards Henley.

        As this happens Henley creates a barrier of metal around her, making the knives disintegrate into red smoke. After all the knives disappear then so does the barrier used to protect Henley. Henley looks to me astonished, but it disappears as soon as it appears. She starts to summon more metal but pages, formed into thick rope, wrap around her wrist restricting her movements.

        I follow the pages and they lead to the palm of my brother's hand. He smiles at me and I watch him do his work. He releases Henley and she turns to him. She summons more metal and starts at my brother. Shooting metal shards, of all sizes, towards him but he teleports out of the way of them all. When she is done with the attacks my brother teleports behind her and summons pages to carry her up to the ceiling. When she reaches the desired height my brother made the book draw the pages back and Henley falls to the floor.

        Seeing she was in real danger my brother and I worked fast. My brother formed a small platform of pages for Henley to land on but was only strong enough to hold her in the air for a few seconds. I focused and summoned my aura, the bird, back and made it fly to Henley. It grabbed the back of her crimson red robe and slowed her fall to a gentle glide. She touched the floor and says, "Thanks, you didn't have to drop me from that height," She shoots my brother a look of anger, and then laughed.

        "But either way nicely played the both of you." Henley says laughing. We both smile at each other and giggle. We all finish our last plate and head off to our rooms.

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