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Annabeth's POV
"So then she got mad at me for correcting her. Can you believe that? I mean her math was so wrong and I—Annabeth!"
"Huh?" I snapped my attention back to Mark who was looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.
"I'm sorry I'm just..I'm sorry." I shook my head leaning my body back against the locker door so I was facing him completely.
Mark pursed his lips. "You seem distracted."
His gaze lingered behind me where he was.
Where he was talking to a girl. A girl who's not...me.
Mark's face contorted into something unreadable before his eyes locked on mine.
My eyes didn't want to look at him though. For I did, I would probably start crying.
"Annabeth." Mark said lowly—soft but firm. A confident voice that made me like him so much. I clutched my books tightly to my chest as I wiped a stray tear threatening to spill.
"I should—I should probably go home. I need to pick up my brothers today." With that being said, I shouldered my way past him and hurriedly walked down the hallway feeling two sets of eyes burning holes into my back.
"Annabeth!" I heard Mark call out but I kept my head down feeling completely humiliated for what just happened.
Percy is a dick. He doesn't love me anymore and I need to accept that.

I waited patiently out side of the elementary school waiting for my brothers to come out. It's actually quite chilly even though it's April and I didn't dress well enough.
I heard the rolling over cement sound that I had become so acquainted too so long ago and my head lifted up.
Percy rolled up on his beat up skate board with his ear buds plugged in probably listening to gods know what with his head down. The definition of a brooding teenager right in front of me. The bell sounded from the school and the door burst open with kids anxious to get home but my gaze was still on the boy on the skateboard.
"Annabeth!" I heard one of my brothers yell—not sure which one. Percy looked up when he heard my brother and his gaze quickly landed on me.
His eyes looked saddened when he saw me as he gave me a small smile as he rolled past me leaving me standing there with a sick feeling at the pit of my tummy. "Annabeth was that Percy?" Matthew and Bobby ran up to me both in their school uniforms with their ratty old Nike book bags. I wiped yet another tear that spilled from my watering eyes.
"Yes. Let's get you guys home. We need to finish homework before Mom and Dad get home.

Percy's POV
gods I miss her. I miss her so damn much and I cannot stop thinking about her.
No matter how many girls I flirt with or how many video games I play, nothing can distract me from thinking about a certain grey eyed girl who managed to steal my heart.
Wow. I sound so utterly whipped it's not even funny. I hate feeling this way. I want her back but at the same time I want her to suffer like the way I am but I don't know how much longer I can go without wanting to punch Mark in the face and then take Annabeth back.
Annabeth isn't a possession.
And even if she was, she still wouldn't belong to me.
I sometimes need to remember that. She is a strong independent woman who can handle herself. She doesn't need anybody to tell her otherwise or protect her for that matter.
But screw what she thinks. I will protect and love her until the day I die even if I get none in return.

I walked into the luxurious lobby of my apartment building—or should I say penthouse. This new life is defiantly something to get used too...I sometimes wish my old home on the east side. Sitting on the edge of the fire escape outside my window. Whether I was with a or with Jason smoking a joint. I cannot do that anymore though because of him. Because he decided to walk back into my life after 14 years of being distant. Even if it wasn't his choice but still...this new life...it just isn't me.
"Yo Percy!" I turned around and saw Luke jogging up to me with an excited look on his scarred face. People would sometimes ask the both of us how we got our scars on our faces. We just tell them it was a fireplace incident. "Dude you will never guess what just happened!" I smiled rubbing the back of my neck as a habit. "What?"
"Tyson is coming." He Said with a wide smile on his face. My eyes bugged out of my head. "What?!" Luke nodded eagerly. "Yeah Sally just told me that dad told her that he is coming to stay with us!" I stood there stunned. My little brother coming to live with me in America? What?? "Why? How? When?" I started towards the elevator eager to see my mother and ask her about it. Luke followed close behind. "I have no idea Blue but Sally seemed fine and happy with it." I looked at him. "Why wouldn't she be? He's my brother." Luke nodded his head "yeah but...you know..Amphrite and all..." I turned my head back to the elevator doors as I stared into my reflection. I looked scruffy and wild...probably from the lack of sleep I've received from the past week. "They made peace. I think all will be fine. I just cannot believe Tyson is coming to stay with us in New York.

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