Maple syrup

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Annabeth's POV
Somehow I ended up at a tree in Central Park. A tree that I have come to realize that I sit in every time I'm sad.
I climbed up already knowing each handhold and foot hold by heart until I was seated on a thick branch 20 feet above the ground.
I just broke up with Mark.
I just kissed Percy Jackson.
I just ran away like a girl.
What is wrong with me? Why can't anything go right for me anymore? It is like New York has cursed me. I want to be back home. Back in San Francisco's where there are no Percy's and no heart break. I just need to be away from here. School is almost finished and college is coming. I have been accepted to 6 different schools and it was at this moment when I realized what I wanted.
I want to go back home.
Berkeley isn't in San Francisco but it sure is close and it is far far away from here. That's where I'm going to go. Not NYU. Not MIT. The north is not good for me so I'm going back down where I belong. Where I actually feel safe.
I hadn't realized I was crying until my thoughts were broken away by a racked sob. I finally broke down the thick wall that has been preventing me from feeling anything. All of these pent up emotions finally have a chance to free themselves so I let them. I hugged onto the thick tree for dear life and cried, probably looking like an absolute mess.
I wiped my eyes and sniffed but didn't bother responding.
"Annabeth it's me."
Yeah I know why don't you think I'm responding?
I promised myself I wouldn't look at him. Not ever again but curiosity and fate got the best of me.
I saw his black mass of messy hair pop into view and saw he was climbing up.
Once his face was in view I looked away knowing that I would loose all of my dignity if I looked into those piercing eyes.
"Wise Girl." My nickname rolled off his tongue in that accent that I have always thought so cute and endearing. I felt him haul himself beside me but careful to give me space.
I chose to stay silent as I looked down willing myself not to cry in front of him. I'm being dramatic but don't I have a right to be?
"I wanted to say that I am sorry." He said.
"It is my fault that you and Mark are fighting and it is my fault that you are sad but..." he sighed and I could imagine him running a hand through his hair like he does when he gets nervous and had the nerve to smile.
"You...I...what am I trying to say here."
I looked over at him and saw how mentally torn he looked. He looked so confused and defeated I almost wanted to hug him. Almost.
As if he felt my eyes on him, he turned to look at me. Before I could look back down, he took my face in one of his hands to stop my retreating head.
"Look Annabeth, you know that I still love and care for you deeply and I know that you feel the same way. Why cannot you see that we are meant to be together?"
I tore myself away from his warm hand.
"Because this is no Hollywood movie Percy where the girl and the guy have a happily ever after! This is reality where you find someone new and better and I go off to college and we never see each other again."
Percy's eyes were wide. "And what tells you that I want to be with someone else better? There is nobody else better than you!"
I cringed at his compliment knowing it was not true.
"I'm a mess Percy. You are too."
"Which is why we are perfect for each other!" He argued swinging his leg over the branch so he could face me.
"It was not my choice to leave you Annabeth. It was my choice to come back to you. I wanted to come back to America all because of you! You are the reason I am here!"
My heart wanted to leap out of my chest. This is too much like a Nicolas Sparks movie.
"Look at me." Percy's voice was so serious and calm. His eyes were shining fiercely and and he looked almost....scary which is ridiculous because he's Percy. The Percy who I once dated and loved so much. The Percy who was sweet and kind but also ignorant and oblivious to everything.
"I love you too much to let you think otherwise. I do not care what you feel for me because I know that you will eventually come to your sense and love me back the way you are trying to ignore now."
"You can't tell me who to love Percy." I said quietly already loosing confidence in my thoughts.
Percy raised an eyebrow. "I'm telling you what you already know. That is why you kissed me."
"That is why you broke up with Mark."
"Percy st—"
"And That is why we are here once again, in the same tree we sat in before I left."
"Stop it!" I cried covering my face. "Stop."
"No Annabeth. I'm not going to stop. I'm never going to stop. I love you. And I know that somewhere inside you, deep down, you feel the same way."
"Yeah well I'll be damned before I admit that. You've been acting like a jerk!" I snapped
Percy hung his head and sighed. "I know."
"So why tell me this stuff? Why can't you just give me time?"
"Because I do not have time damnit!" Percy turned to look at me and I saw that he generally looked angry.
"I am not swimming for America next year Annabeth. I am from Greece therefore I will be on the Greek Olympic swim team. My time here is limited."
I stared at him in shock. "So you want me to confess my undying love for you and then you leave me again? You're unbelievable."
I jumped off the branch and started towards the sidewalk. My hands jammed into my pockets.
"Annabeth!" I heard a thump and then felt his presence behind me. "Annabeth Stop."
I turned around. "You know what Percy? I am done with this. I am done having this stupid dramatic moments with you and I am sick of you. Just leave me the fuck alone."
I walked away from him.
I thought he was going to follow me or say my name.
I kept walking and turned around seeing him walking away in the opposite direction.
"Dick." I whispered to myself wiping a tear from my cheek.

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