Shark bait

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⚠️I deleted the last chapter so don't be confused.⚠️

Have you ever had the exhilarating experience of angry sex?
Take it from me, don't try it. Unless you want to wound up like me. But I am getting ahead of myself.
After the terrible encounter I had with Percy, needless to say I was in a very very bad mood.
"Son of a bitch!" I threw my bag on the kitchen table causing a plate to fall and shatter to the ground.
I glared at the sharp pieces of glass, finding it easier to blame them rather than everything else in my life.
"Annabeth?" I looked up and saw Bobby and Matthew staring at me in concern. Both had headsets on and controls in their hands.
"Are you ok?" Matthew asked carefully.
I tightened my fists, knowing that yelling at my brothers for nothing would not make me feel any better.
"I'm fine."
Leaving the broken pieces on the kitchen floor, I walked off to my bedroom for some proper sulking time.
Right as I closed the door, my emotions seemed to break. And for the first time..I let them.

"Annabeth, Bobby and I are going to the park...would you want to maybe join us?" My brother asked from the other side of my door. I stared at the white wood door. My eyes probably red and my face all blotchy.
"No I'm ok." I croaked.
"Ok..please call if you need anything.."
I smiled a little, thankful to have these two annoying but thoughtful siblings. I couldn't imagine being an only child.

The next time I was interrupted, the approach was not as nice as Matthew's.
My eyes were getting ready to give out when I heard pounding on the front door.
The kind of pounding you onto see in movies when someone is about to get murdered.
I sat there for a minute, terrified and confused. Who in the world could that be? Banging on my door like that?
Maybe they will just go away. I thought.
I got out of my bed feeling pissed at this person who was disturbing me from my sulking.
Without even looking through the peephole, because I'm an idiot— I swung the door open and was about to let hell let loose when—
"What?" I was being pushed into my own home by a strong person. A strong person who I would like to pummel in the face. My heart was beating at a very unhealthy rate and my voice seemed to be lost when I tried to yell.
Am I about to get murdered?!
The scary thoughts clouded my brain and I was about to scream when my head finally did the natural thing and tilted up to see the intruder.
I stared into those green eyes that stared back into me with one plain look that I had never seen in them before.
Desire. Hatred. Love?
"Percy what the hell are you—"
My back hit the wall and he kept moving forward until his body was against mine, completely trapping me. My breath hitched when I hit the wall. I was not ready for this. Not at all.
"That was rude." He simply said raising an eyebrow.
I was too stunned to speak. I just gawked at him, too surprised to say anything. Percy has never done something this forceful before. I thought I should be scared but that certainly was not the feeling I had at that moment.
"The things you said to me."
"Were right." I snapped trying to push him away. Percy remained as still as a statue, something I knew he couldn't regularly do.
"I hate you." He whispered which surprised me.
"I hate you for treating me like this."
"Feelings mutual."
He touched the side of my face, his fingers barely touching my skin. I flinched away from his touch and continued to glare at him.
"Then why can't I get over you?"
"That's your problem." I said not breaking off the staring contest held between us.
"Yes it is." He smiled mockingly but still had a playful glint in his eyes.
"A problem that won't go away. So please tell me Annabeth, what is the best solution here?"
My breath hitched realizing how close our faces had gotten.
"For you to get the hell away from me." I spoke calmly.
One of his hands held the side of my hip tightly, drawing little circles on my lower stomach with a thumb.
"I think I'm gonna kiss you instead." His voice got raspy sending shivers down my spine.
I couldn't seem to form any words. I wanted to scream No! But my vocals seemed to have shut down completely.
Percy's hair fell into his eyes as he studied my expression.
"Kiss me then." My voice cracked.
Percy smiled. "But you'll have to think what happens after I kiss you."
"Like...where I would put my hand..for instance."
A draft seemed to overcome me as I shivered.
"And my..tongue." He whispered nearing my ear.
"Where would you put it?" I asked breathlessly fisting the front of his shirt tightly with both hands.
He whispered three words and I lost it.
"Kiss me."
I pulled his face and let our lips collide, harsh bruising kisses. Not at all gentle. But just what I needed right then.
I kissed him with every ounce of anger I held and he seemed to be doing the same.
"Your home alone?" He managed to say between the kiss.
"Good." He growled hoisting me up and me wrapping my legs around his waist.
I knew what would happen next. I knew how bizarre this was after all what happened this very morning.
But I still let him take over.
I let him take me back to my bedroom.
And I let myself forget everything. Just this once.

New book is out— it's called "Posh" please read if you like my writing it is another Percabeth Fanfiction so please please try it out!

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