She (part 4)(end)

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I look down at her
she moved on
found the sun again
but she stays in the shadows
I'm a never-ending thought in her mind
always there
but never seen
I'm the little push that her tears need to fall down
I'm the scars on her body
I'm the key around her neck
I'm the silence before the storm of her anger
but I'm also the reason why she loves the stars
I'm happy memories on cold winter days
I'm dreams during a sleepless night
she never forgot
she never will
she bears the pain everyday
but she's alive
an achievement that I could not fulfill
I watch over her though
to make sure that she does not make the same mistakes I did
I miss her
but I know that one day
she will join me
better late than early
let her live a life first
she does not need me anymore
as I start to fade I whisper
farewell my friend
till you join me

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