False relaspses

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Jeff looks at you, in pain, and turns to face Smile, they both grin to each other. You become extremely uncomfortable as they move closer to you in sync, as if they had rehearsed a dance motif just for you. They both jump at you and knock you unconscious.

All you could see was black.

An endless black pit circled around your body, making you feel uneasy and dizzy resulting in you falling onto your rear. For some reason, you felt funny as your crotch began to tingle. Why now of all times?! You stare at the creature that worked between your legs and consider sorting yourself out... But you knew that at some point you might wake up with an awkward boner therefore having to deal with Jeff and his trusty steed.

Suddenly, burgundy spots bled onto your walls, leaving a distasteful flavour of human flesh. How you knew the flavour you did not know. But one thing was certain, you wasn't in a conscious state or dreaming. Had Jeff put you into a nasty coma?! Oh no... Amongst the black endless nightmare, you saw what appears to be that same shadow that lurked in the dark abyss of your rooms. The one that had followed you since you were a child! When first becoming acquainted with Jeff, you believed that it was him watching your every move but you are wrong. It is something else, something more sinister.  Despite all the fear it drowns you in, you still stand as confident as a lion, expecting to win this battle over predator and prey.

But when the glowing eyes of this invisible demon suddenly fly closer to you, a rough, wet tongue glides across your cheek, waking you up from this strange dream to Smile sitting beside you eagerly waiting for you. This brought back painful memories of a golden retriever you used to own called Goldie who would always wake you up in time for school and would wait for your bus to arrive outside your house for your return. But this time it was the creepy dog staring at you intently, showing no sign of weakness nor pity. 

When you heard footsteps echoing in the background as well as people conversing, you quickly shift your position to face the source. From this you learn that you are resting on a leather sofa in a gargantuan room, filled with technology and a dining table. The source emits from the kitchen which was on the other side of the house. You could only make out the shadows of those who were there at that moment which was three men and possibly a statue? It was way too tall with exaggerated features to be a living human... Could it?

Smile wagged his tail as he notices you've awaken, this notifies Jeff who quickly sprints to your location. "Are you well?" he asks almost as if forced. In response to his rude tone, you rely with "Probably." This agitated the emo boy but due to his frequent encounters with similar acting people he could brush off the notion. Silence awkwardly fills the air as you two stare at each other without letting out a single noise. The pitter patter of the rain hit the windows of the gothic mansion in constant patterns that could hypnotise someone to sleep.

The man watched your every move as if to point out anything you did suspiciously. "Thanks for taking care of me, but i must return as i have work tomorrow-" you mumble as you sit up and push the woven green blanket off from your body but Jeff dominantly paused you in your tracks by leaning over your petite frame and using his arm as support beside your head - you then lay obediently. "You will stay here even if it means i chain you to my bedroom wall. You're on my turf now so you must follow my rules little pigeon." 


I'm sorry that this chapter is particularly short, i will be creating many more in the future and hopefully get to the juicy bits :)

Jeff The Killer X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now