6: The Masked Identity

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Clock: Are we drawing closer to the city?

Nickel: It highly seems to be, yes, what's better than that?

Clock: The reason you're just being arrogant sometimes...

Nickel: Um... no, I think you made a mistake.

Clock: Oh yeah? And what mistake?

Nickel: The mistake of eletricity, goddammit! *he and Clock begin to argue each other, for some time.*

David: Hey hey hey, calm down already! We're just close, so please get it together, okay?

Clock: Whatever you say.


Ruby: Got anything yet?

Book: Nothing, just some rubble and new stuff.

Ruby: Oh hey, I found a phone! *examines the phone* Weird. What is it doing here? *A call suddenly rings up, and Ruby takes it* Hello?

???: Why hello, Ruby.

Ruby: Eh? Who is this?

???: I'm here... to warn you of something. And that is... missiles, going on the city... soon.

Ruby: Whaa? Missiles going on a city? Got it. But why?

???: To my dismay, I don't know, and neither do you... In the end, you and the other two, have to do it yourselves...

Ruby: But this is crazy! It can't happen like this, right?

???: I cannot tell more... Now, I will join your lonely characters on the ground, and that will be a surprise for them.

Ruby: But- *The call suddenly cuts off, leaving Ruby a bit paranoid.*

Ruby: Ugh..

Taco: Ruby? Are you okay?

Ruby: Nothing much... *suddenly sees an elevator* Hey! I found an elevator! I think it still works, so we can get up now!

Book: Alrighty, let's go then! Hopefully we reach the ground in no time.

*Then they get up on the elevator, no matter how many time they take.*

Basketball: I feel some presence... Like, someone is spying on us...

Bell: Are you kidding? There's no way this could be possible. We are just alone walking to the city! So trust me it's- *her sentence got cut when someone suddenly appears near Basketball and Bell.*

Basketball: *startled* A-And this then?

Bell: Oh...

???: Why, hello there you little inanimate objects.

Naily: Hey! Don't call us like that!

???: I don't care what you say... It will be your problem of that...

Nickel: So?

???: Well, to just warn you, if you make the city, something very bad will happen to you, And I know it...

*after several seconds of silence, Gaty, Nickel and Marker laughed at that phrase claiming that it wouldn't happen.*

David: Get out of our way, you don't know what you're into!

???: Well, how pitiful... I tried the easy way... But looks like I have to use the hard way.

Bell: I doubt that this-

*??? cuts Bell's string, and throws it fast at David's face*

David: *gets angry as his skin turns red and electricity began coursing around him* You asked for it! Here goes!

*They both begin to fight. It was long, but after ??? kicking David in the gonads...*

???: *walks to Pie with a flask* Hm... first off, drink this. It gives you more power. Trust me.

Pie: I'll guess I'll do it. *drinks the potion, but turns out that's he coughing a lot for some reason.* What... *cough* is happening... *cough* to me...? *cough* *he falls down, unconsious*

???: You fell right into my trap! I just added poison inside this potion!

Everyone: WHAT?! *during the word "WHAT", David's color returns to normal and electricity disappears*

Grassy: Pie... No! You'll pay for this!

Nickel: Same! It's time to knock this guy! *he and Grassy charges towards ??? with a battle cry, but suddenly, he brings out a chainsaw.*

Bell: *is apparently on the ground without her string* What the- Where did you get that chainsaw?

???: Doesn't even matter! And now, to add more fuel to the fire!

Grassy: Oh god..

*??? slashes Grassy with brute force until he becomes just a pile of grass.*

Nickel: Grassy?! Nooooooooooo!!! Why did you do this! Just... why?

???: *outloud* Now is not the time! If you don't want everyone to die, then take care of this warning carefully, and turn back! *then ??? disappears*

Bell: Why did he had to do this...? Killing 2 people by force...

David: I guess that was an unexcepted fight. *picks up the unconscious Pie* But let's forget of what the guy said, and let us reach the city.

Marker: Are you sure? After this guy said...?

Fries: But WE need to. We don't want to turn back like cowards and die here for nothing. We must advance or it's the end of us.

Dora: You're right I guess, let's go. *picks up the stringless Bell as the group continue to walk, until they reach the city*

*Somewhere else, in the darkness...*

???: So, how was the mission?

???: Meh. I contacted Ruby, but she just seemed to care about it. As for the others... They didn't care and fought me about that, so I was forced to kill 2 people... And leave.

???: Ah, okay. I guess you did the right thing, after all!

???: Yep... They don't know the chaos, the screams, the death of what could happen... And because of that... They will be in for a big harm, the biggest of them all.

???: So, is that it? Is that how they are going to end?

???: Yep... It's now their own problem... And soon, it will be time...

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