17: The Beginning of the Last Battle

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SEGMENT #1 - Preparation and Unity
*After the events of the last episode, Puffball was acting weird in front David and his friends, so Bottle checked on her, and thought it was some sort of disease.*

David: Hey, Puffball, feeling any better?

Puffball: It's only been a few hours, David... it'll take a while before this disease wears off.

David: Pen, any new information on this disease?

Pen: I'm trying my best. My medical equipment isn't totally high-tech, though.

David: Just try anything you can do... Because TB will not attack anytime soon...

Pen: Are you sure about that?

David: Well, for one or two days, he hasn't been doing anything yet. He might be busy with... something.

Bell: It's about damn time! I'm getting tired of all the adventures and weird stuff happening, while we could do something else.

David: Like, what?

Bell: Like, I don't know, taking a break?

Nickel: It's hard to do that when someone with protection and such is not far away from you...

Bell: I know, but still... I think we should slow down and think of what we are doing. One mistake, and you're dead.

Darko: I don't know about you, but I'm waiting for something interesting to happen.

Ice Cube: I guess you just got lucky... It's time for me to be part of your group.

David: Whoa, are you sure you're ready?

Ice Cube: Yes, I am... But, just be warned that once I am part of it, TB will see and know what I am doing. And, let me say, that it won't be pretty.

*Meanwhile, at TB's tower, he spots Ice Cube with David and the others. Furious, he sends out a drone. As soon as it made it to David and the others, the screen comes on*

TB: ...What the hell is this... looks at Ice Cube YOU!!

Ice Cube: Hello... surprised to see me?


Ice Cube: Your reign of terror over the world must come to an end! I won't stand by if you continue to torture innocent objects! I know the things you've done to the others... as well as to EVERYONE!

TB: The others didn't want you anymore! You were useless, and also a stupid object! I brought fear and death upon them... And more! You did nothing to bring them to reason... Blinded by the arguments and craziness!

Ice Cube: I just did what was best to everyone! You just kill anyone in your way, thinking you're an overlord!

TB: Yeah, right... As if. You just used objects for your own self...

Ice Cube: I have never used anyone for my own personal desires! I was forced to do it! You, however, used them for world domination! A SELFISH act that cannot be forgiven!

TB: In fact, as one says, the strong lives and the weak perish... that would be a perfect world.

Ice Cube: A perfect world?! The others were wanting for peace and prosperity... not torture or genocide!

TB: Torture or genocide is unavoidable... it's part of object history... something that we'll be cursed with forever... a way for revenge. And where death comes in, with no chance of reviving... where many friends are torn apart... my goal is to achieve peace and prosperity... AND I INTEND TO DO THAT, IN MY OWN WAY!

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