16b: Recovering Dream Island

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Puffball: What the heck?! Ice Cube is here! We have to destroy her right now!

Nickel: David, are you out of your mind?! Why did you even allow her to stay in the first place?

David: Calm down, guys... Ice Cube has a very important explanation to make, don't worry.

Balloony: Wait, but how is that possible? I thought you were on TB's side! Why do you want to side with us?

Ice Cube: Well uh... it's a long story...

Darko: Okay then, take your time.

Ice Cube: It all started 9 years ago after we chased Leafy... *fades to a flashback* We were all tired, as the fly away into the sunset, so it was no use to continue... When we got back to where Dream Island was, some were still thinking about what Leafy's execution would be, others, like me by example, went to other plans. Multiple objects, who thought were my friends, began to betray me... they thought that I was uneeded and that I should go far away...

8-Ball: *voice-over* Wow,I'm really sorry about what happened there.

Ice Cube: *voice-over* I know... anyways, there were arguments all around the place and it slowly evolved into madness, that I had to go underground to prevent myself getting involved. Then I found TB and GB, who were creating a time machine. I thought it was not possible, but it was real... Unfortunately, it was not finished yet, so I had to leave for some time. After that, TB and I found a mysterious cave. We wandered inside together... At the end of it, we found some sort of sceptre. TB thinks that it's the last thing before finishing his machine. So TB went to his lab and worked on it.

Clock: *voice-over* Wow, that's great! After that you will soon return to what happened to Dream Island, right?

Ice Cube: *voice-over* That's what you think... at this day where the time machine was finished, I checked outside if everything has gone back to normal... But things got worse... TB started acting really weird, and other objects were saying bad things to each other many times. That's where TB completely changed his personality... at first, all I cared for was to keep peace in Goiky, and, he was doing a good job about it... and all of a sudden, he attacked head-on at Blocky. Oh god... the fight... It was... I- Ah- It was worse than I could ever possibly imagine! I... I... I... He attacked the others objects... There was fire, everywhere... I went into hiding, as I couldn't bear what would happen next...

Pen: *voice over* Now that I remember, it really hurt me from that. But at least few of us survived, through.

*flashback ends*

Ice Cube: Yeah... They eventually made a weapon...

Ruby: Wait... a weapon?!

Ice Cube: Yes, something similar to mind-control... he can only use it on one object at a time... and what I will say will shock you, but... he used it on Lollipop this year when she was alone.

David: WAIT, WHAT?!


Liy: *was not only expressing shock due to that fact, but also expressing guilt for how she was misunderstood about what happened before the group got transported to their world* My god... what have I done...?

Bell: I will never forget for what he did. Never.

Marker: I was also controlled... not by him, but by Lollipop.

Dora: Oh no... so that means she got one while she was alive too!

Ice Cube: Yep. And I think it may have something to do with his new weapon...

Bell: A-Another weapon?!

Ice Cube: That's right. One that is far more powerful than mind-control... One that can destroy all of us...

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