What He Does For Your Birthday

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Harry: He throws you a huge surprise party for your birthday, complete with your favorite sweets and music, along with your housemates and some friends from back home.

Ron: He showers you with love and affection and all the attention he could possibly muster.

Draco: He had his mother take you shopping for the beginning of the day and when she brought you back, he had his mother and father throw a ball at the manor.

Neville: He couldn't afford much, so he got you one of your favorite sweets, and spent the whole day with you.

Fred: He set off magical fireworks in your bedroom that spelled out "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!"

George: He attempted to make you a cake that came out looking a mess, but you enjoyed it anyway.

Marauder's Era & Tom & Newt

Sirius: He made a fool of himself by jumping up on the table in the great hall and screaming happy birthday at you.

James: He kissed and cuddled you all day, and took you shopping at all your favorite places, and surprised you with a new puppy.

Remus: He spent the day reminding you how beautiful you are, and he let you pick all the activities, and spent the day with you making you feel special.

Peter: He smashed a piece of cake on your face. It's been your tradition since you were small children.

Tom: He gave you a beautiful necklace that held your birthstone carved into a heart.

Newt: He let you run around in the suitcase and play with the animals that are in it, because he knew that was one of your favorite things to do.

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