Fight Makeup

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Harry: Harry knocked on the front door of your parents house. Your young daughter yanked the door open and smiled up at her father. Harry bent down and lifted your daughter into the air, smothering her with loving kisses. At the sound of your daughter's laughter, you stepped out of the kitchen, stopping when you saw your husband.

"Harry." You stated bluntly.

"Mummy look! It's daddy!" Your daughter cheered.

"I messed up. I'm sorry my love." He apologized.

"I forgive you." You smiled softly.

Ron: With a heavy sigh, you trudged down the stairs into the common room, your hair tousled from when you had flopped onto your bed. Harry was seated on the floor attempting to study when you approached him.

"Where's Ron?"

"Don't know actually." Harry looked up at you, an apologetic look on his face.

You both looked over at the ginger when he walked in the room, almost exactly on cue. A small look of hope flashed across his face at the sight of you.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way Ron," you apologized, "it was wrong of me."

Draco: "Love? Love where are you?" You heard Draco's voice echo around the courtyard, but you chose to ignore it.

You ignored his voice until his shadow appeared above you. You opened your (e/c) eyes and looked up at him with an unimpressed look. With a soft sigh he sat down in the grass next to you and moved your head so it was in his lap.

"I'm sorry love,"

"For what part?" You muttered.

"I didn't mean it like that, it came out wrong. I know you don't like yelling so I thought you'd like to leave before I yelled at her." He explained.

"I'm sorry for hitting you in the face with a book."

"Let's be honest, I deserved it."

Neville: You ate cupcakes!! (You still don't fight)

Fred: You opened the door to your flat the morning after your argument to see the redheaded boy fast asleep in a ball right outside of the door. Shaking your head you leaned down and began shaking him so he'd wake up. He sat up quickly, his eyes wide and full of regret.

"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't think, then again I never really think before I prank someone. I should have payed attention, and listened, and helped you instead of hurting you, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Go to sleep in an actual bed you mess." You laughed softly.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yes you silly thing. Now come cuddle."

George: Not even an hour after you told him to leave you opened the door to your flat to see him sitting against the wall to the right side of the door. He looked at you sadly as you shook your head and pulled him to his feet. Quietly you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." You said, "I know how much your shop means to you. I should have been a better wife."

"A better wife? You're the best wife there is! I should have called and told you I would be late."

"Don't you dare take the blame for this one mister!"

"Fine! Fine! I love you."

"I love you too. Now come to bed."

Marauder's Era & Tom & Newt

Sirius: The moment you stepped back into your flat after the argument, you were snatched off your feet and thrown over Sirius' shoulder. You looked at the ground and whacked him a few times in an attempt to get him to set you down. When he did put you down, it was on a makeshift bed on your back porch. A small movie screen was set up along with a bunch of your favorite flowers and sweets. He laid down next to you and opened his arms for you to cuddle into.

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you padfoot."

James: "Baby! Baby I'm so so sorry!" James ran up to you, grabbing you by the waist so you couldn't walk away from him.

"You know what that means to me James." You whispered.

"I know, I know and I'm so sorry."

"Don't do it again?"


Remus: Chocolate!!

Peter: "Peter?" You walked up to your boyfriend, your hands crossed across your stomach, "I'm sorry I was so mean to you."

"I deserved it!" He said quickly, hugging you.

"No you didn't. You didn't deserve to be treated that way just because I was disappointed in you."

"I guess were both wrong then, yeah?"

"Yeah." You nodded.

Tom: He bought you more books.

Newt: "(Y/N)?" Newt called as he slipped into the kitchen, bumping into you as he turned the corner.

"Be careful on your trip." You whispered.

"I'm not going." He stated.

"What? But Newt doesn't the creature need you?"

"You need me more right now love."

Regulus: Cuddles!!

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