He Proposes

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Harry: He filled your bedroom with balloons on the biggest balloon was written '(y/n) will you marry me?'. You ran out of your room and found him in the family room, only to tackle him to the ground with your yes.

Ron: He has doughnuts specially made to spell 'marry me?'. He opened the box for you and you giggled out your yes while stealing a doughnut.

Draco: He handed you what appeared to be a dark colored rock. With closer examination, you figured out it was supposed to open. Once you pried it open, it took all you had not to drop the box. Inside was a purple geode, but that's not what caught your eyes, sitting upon the crystals was a beautiful ring. You began to cry, and nodded a yes before hugging him.

Neville: He finally took you to meet his mother and father. You stood behind Neville as he talked to his mum, and kissed his cheek in an attempt to cheer him up. You watched his mother hand him something, which you expected just to be another wrapper. Based on Neville's shocked expression, you knew your assumption was incorrect. His mum nodded and he smiled and got on his knee, and proposed to you in front of his mother, who just smiled distantly. You nodded, and hugged his mother, who patted your head in response.

Fred: He decided to take you to Walt Disney World, because why not? He had saved up for it and dragged you to Florida. You stayed at the Art of Animation Resort, in the Finding Nemo suite. When the pair of you went to Magic Kingdom, he proposed to you in front of your favorite character, and you threw your arms around his neck and cried yes into his shoulder.

George: You had gone to his house for the holidays, only to have all of his family swarm you at once. At one point Charlie had picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, Bill had tied a bow in your hair, Ron had wiped frosting on your nose, and Molly kissed all over your face. When the swarm of ginger spread out, you saw George on his knee holding a ring for you. You nodded and covered your mouth, and smiled against his chest when he hugged you.

Marauder's Era & Tom & Newt

Sirius: He had taken you to Maldives for a vacation, and on the third night he told you that he had a surprise for you. So he wrapped a blindfold around your eyes and led you outside of your hotel room. You were miffed at where he could be taking you that late, but you didn't question him. When he stopped you, you could hear the gentle crashing of waves. When he removed your blindfold, you were met with the sight of the brightly glowing wake of the waters. You turned to look at Sirius, and saw him kneeling with a ring in his hand, and you jumped on him, knocking him into the sand with a kiss.

James: You had gone into your bedroom after a long day and found a lipstick tube sitting on the bed with a note sitting next to it that read: "I bought you a new one, sorry I ruined the last one!". You set the note down and turned to the vanity in the room, only to see red lipstick smudged across the glass. You moved closer to the mirror to see what it read and spun around one you mouthed the words you read 'will you marry me?'. Your eyes met the eyes of James, who leaned against the door frame with a slightly nervous look on his face, which turned to pure joy when you laughed and said yes.

Remus: He carefully tied a ribbon around your new kitten's neck and attached the ring and placed the kitten next to you. Not paying attention to the ring, the kitten trudged it's way onto your chest and began purring, only to fall off you when you sat up quickly to throw yourself at Remus.

Peter: He couldn't think of much, so he decided that a traditional proposal would be a good idea. So when you were taking a walk together, he kneeled down and asked you quietly. You smiled and nodded before kissing his cheek.

Tom: You came home to a trail of rose petals laid out through your house. Lining the edges of the path was vanilla scented tea candles, which provided the only light in the house. Carefully you followed the path into your bedroom, where you found Tom on one knee holding the ring up for you. You teared up and nodded before hugging his neck tightly.

Newt: He had originally planned on using his niffler, but realized how bad of an idea that was, so he decided to use Pickett. You were holding an occamy and humming to yourself, when you felt a tap on your jaw. You glanced over and saw Pickett, so you carefully set down the occamy and held out your hand for the little bowtruckle. Instead of getting onto your hand himself, Pickett placed a ring in the palm of your hand. Once you put the pieces together you yelled for Newt who shyly poked his head out from behind the corner, making you giggle. The smile on his face when you said yes was enough to last you forever.

Regulus: You walked into the family room of the house you shared with Regulus only to stop and drop the bag you were holding. Taped down on the floor were pictures of you and regulus that now spelled out: 'will you marry me?'. When you turned around, Regulus stood there shuffling his feet nervously. You smiled brightly and hugged his neck while saying yes repeatedly.

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