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"We fall in love and we see the best case scenario:we see forever. I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. But when there's a break up, it kind of leaves us shattered all over the floor, drowning in a gallon of cookie dough ice cream and crying. It just kind of leaves you like this broken pile of sadness on the floor. And that's where I was when I wrote this song, and its called Last Kiss"

~Speak Now Tour, Speech before Last Kiss

-Taylor Swift


Hey so I was playing with a couple of kids from my class and some of the other kids siblings after school, and we had these frisbee things but they are soft plastic and you can bounce them. So I was on a team with a boy from my class and my sis and two other kids were in the middle and the boy threw it up in the air and it landed and hit me on the forehead so yeah my head hurt and I think a slight bruise is forming, but yeah here's a tip:always put your hands In front of your face to catch the frisbee, don't stand there and wait for it to hit you straight in the forehead.



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