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"Boop beep bop?" Zucc asked.
"Yeah I really think so. You're a true specimen." Elon chuckled, grabbing Zucc's hand.
Zucc let out a mechanical sounding laugh as he cupped Elon's face in his hands.
"It's ok, Zucc. Your scales don't hurt me." Elon whispered, gazing into Zucc's lizard eyes.

You stood there, in awe of the scene in front of you. You fell to your knees, aghast.

"Beep boop." Zucc whispered.
"Zucc I love you so much." Elon breathed.

They then touched fingers like in the movie E.T.

Zucc stood up. "What're you doing, Zucc?" Elon asked, fiddling with his fingers as he blushed.
"Beep boop." Zucc said as he burst out laughing.
Zucc turned his back to Elon.
"LET ME LOVE YOU!" Elon screamed, grabbing onto Zucc's legs in a sad attempt to stop him from leaving.

"Beep boop beep." Zucc said, pulling his leg away and walking towards you.
You laughed, relieved.
Even though he had just touched fingers Elon Musk, you still loved Zucc. Even though he killed Shrek, you loved Zucc.

No one could ever understand how much you loved Zucc.

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