The Graduation Exam

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"Hey wake up" My dad said shaking me "I don't want to" I whined turning around "Fine but don't get mad at me when your late" Dad said walking away "huh?" I said opening my eyes blinking a couple of times

Then I looked at the clock which already said seven o'clock 'crap' I said falling out my bed and dad chuckled I glared at him getting "Man I'm going to be late" I said then grabbed my clothes as dad left the room so I could get changed

After I got ready I headed down stairs and quickly ate breakfast and left and ran towards the academy but a few minutes late of course I knocked and walk in "Keisuke your late" Iruka Sensei said "sorry... A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way" I lied rubbing the back of my neck calmly and everyone sweet dropped 

"*sigh* Just take your seat" Iruka Sensei said and I sat next to Hinata as always "As I was saying before We will now start the final exam when your name is called proceed to the testing room the final test will be on...... The Clone Jutsu" Iruka Sensei said

Then he called the first name up and they went into the room "Hey hinata want to hang out later" I asked whispering "Sure" She said quietly with a soft smile soon my name my name was called up "Good luck Keisuke... " Hinata said softly

"Yea you too" I said smiling  then left and went into the room "Okay Keisuke all you have to do is make at least three solid clones to pass" Iruka Sensei said and Mizuki Sensei nodded in agreement but I stared at him for awhile and notice he's chakra getting darker by the minute

'Wonder what's up with him maybe he's planning something' I thought but shrugged it off and stuff my hands in my pockets sighing 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' I thought making 10 solid clones

"Congrats Keisuke you pass!" Iruka Sensei said smiling handing me an blue leaf headband I took then tied it around my leg on the left side and bowed as I started walking towards the door dad appeared in front of me

"Lord Hokage wants to see you" Dad said "when?" I asked "now let's go" Dad said I nodded then we both disappeared in a puff is smoke and appeared in the hokage tower in his office

I kneeled down while dad leaned on the wall "Um Hokage-sama you wanted to see me?" I asked "yes, I would like you to join the Anbu do you accept?" Lord Hokage said then I looked at dad and he nodded as I stood up

"Yes sir I accept" I said bowing "But will I stood be put on a squad?" I asked standing up all the way "yes but your not aloud to tell anyone that your an Anbu got it" Lord hokage said "yes sir" I said nodding

"That's all dismissed" Lord Hokage said then I'm guessing we all disappeared in a puff of smoke and both me and dad appeared at the training ground "We should train since your going to be in the Anbu" Dad said

"Alright teach me everything I need to know I'm ready for anything you throw at me!" I said smiling "hmph will see about that" Dad said smirking behind his mask 'oh boy what have I got myself into!?' I thought gulping


We trained all day non stop with no breaks "alright Keisuke try again" Dad said in a serious tone I nodded then do the right hand signs "Chidori.... " I mumbled as a bunch of lightning came in my hands and I ran into at a tree and punch it making it badly damage

"*huff* *huff* *huff* I.... Did it... " I said catching my breath tiredly falling backwards but instead of hitting the ground I felt arms catching me and I looked up seeing dad smiling "Good you finally got it down" Dad said helping me stand and I deactivated my Sharingan

"Hmph seems like you have company" Dad said smirking and I leaned on the tree confused catching my breath then dad chuckled before disappearing I was so out of breath and chakra that I couldn't pin point who was there

"Who... Ever is there.... Just show yourself" I said catching my breath and I heard giggling "oh no not you again" I sighed "hmm aren't you glad to see me?" Synthia asked walking in front of me "No!" I said coldly trying to walk away only to fall but SHE caught me

"Let go of me I don't need your help" I growled "says the one who can barely walk" She said holding me close together "ugh... I weather not be able to walk then have you hold me" I said annoyed

"Come on I could carry you home~" She said weirdly which made me blush a but but I quickly shook it off and got out of her grip but had fall onto the ground "Ouch" I groaned

"Come on Keisuke you know you want me" Synthia said wiggling her eye brows "nope" I said "oh hey Keisuke..... Hey Synthia" Kiba said walking to us waving but blushed when he saw Synthia "Hey Kiba!" Synthia said walking over to him and hugged him and I noticed he blushed even more

'Hmph looks like puppy boy has a crush on her maybe if I get the two together she'll get off my back' I thought quietly chuckling trying to get up but failed again "Dam* it" I said pushing my fist into the ground but the last thing I saw was Kiba and Synthia walking up to me before passed out

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