First Mission; Part 1

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After we left the training ground we went to a Dango shop and sat down "I'm so happy we all pass" Alex said chewing on the stick from the ice pop "Hmph I actually had... Fun" I said looking at the ice pop then put it back in my mouth

"Hey Keisuke-kun what was that black chakra around your arm?" Synthia asked 'I don't know if I should tell them I bet sensei knows about it' I thought sighing then took the ice pop out my mouth

"Have you ever heard of the Shadow Coping Jinchuuriki?" I asked "huh? I think ive heard it from somewhere wasn't some Shadow beast that roams through the world looking for a body to be sealed in" Alex said as we looked at him

"Yep one of the most powerful beast of them all it can copy anything Jutsu's or Chakra natures" I said then looked down "I know have the beast sealed inside me I bet you probably hate me now" I said looking down waiting for a scared reaction but instead I felt two pairs of arms around me and a hand on my head

"Huh?" I questioned looking up "We don't hate you your still the same Keisuke as before there's nothing different about you" Keiko Sensei said rubbing my hair "yeah even though we're not good friends there's no reason for me to hate you" Alex said then let go

"You already know what I would say" Synthia said hugging me tightly "O-okay you can.... let go of me now Can't... Breath" I said then she let go and Keiko sensei chuckled

"Hmph thanks guys" I said smiling "alright come on guys let's go" Keiko Sensei said


"Alright everyone ready to go" Keiko Sensei said "Yes..... " Alex said annoyed "let's go already" I said leaning off of the gate "Okay come on" Keiko Sensei said starting walking away with us following

"Remember stay on guard you don't know when someone could attack" Keiko Sensei said "Hai!" We all said in sync as we were walking I felt eyes watching me in the woods so I stopped walking and looked but no one was their

"Hmm what is it Keisuke-kun?" Synthia asked I glared at that same spot for awhile and gave up but stayed on guard "nothing" I said then started walking again then notice a kunai coming straight at me but I quickly activated my Sharingan and caught it in between my two fingers

I then threw the kunai where it came from but I attached a paper bomb on it and explode but I didn't hit the target "That's him alright" I heard a voice in the tree say and my team turned around

"Alright come out show yourself because if I have to find you myself your going to die" I threatened coldly which only made them chuckle then smoke came around me and I started coughing

"What the...... " I said as I start loosing vision "Keisuke-kun!?" I heard a voice call out but couldn't figure out from who and passed out


I woke up being tied to a tree a some ninja in front of me and a cup in his hand "Drink this" He said "no why should I listen to you kidnapper" I said struggling to get out the ropes

"Because if you want to live you need to drink this" He said holding it to my face "I don't trust you first you kidnap me then you make me drink something that I don't even know what it is!" I shouted

"Just drink it your acting like your about to die geez" The guy said now putting it in my face "ugh fine!" I said opening my mouth drinking what was in the cup probably poison

"Nasty what was that crap" I said spitting "hahaha your funny kid" The guy said rubbing my hair "don't touch my hair!" I shouted growling

"What's your name anyways?" I questioned "hmph you don't know do you?" The guy asked "obviously not if I just asked you" I said annoyed "I'm Jacob Mikako Keisuke" Jacob said

"Huh? Wait how do you know my name I never told you my name" I said shocked 'wait!? Mikako where have I heard that name before?' I thought "You don't know do you?" Jacob said "Again... I wouldn't have asked you if I knew!" I said annoyed growling

"Hmph I'm Reika's younger brother" Jacob said my eyes went shocked "Then are you my uncle?" I questioned "The one and only kid" Jacob chuckled "so... Why did you kidnap me?" I asked "I wanted to see how my nephew is" Uncle Jacob said rubbing my hair again

"Question" I said "hmm what is it?" Uncle Jacob said "Why haven't you been in the village then last time I I saw you was when I was 4" I started

"Dad as been on alot of mission when I was young so I would always come to you but ever since you left I thought you hated me so I changed" I said looking down 'when is he going to untie me' I thought

"Hey I'm sorry kid I can tell you about it later but you should get back to your team I bet you have a mission to complete" Uncle Jacob said uniting me "what about you are you going to be okay?" I asked

"Hmph I'm your uncle I'll be fine kid" Uncle Jacob said holding the ropes "Thanks" I said rubbing my arm "No problem kid" Uncle Jacob said then I notice two pups running at me 'they like familiar' I thought then they both jumped on my shoulder and barked

"Midnight? Crescent?" I questioned

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