First Mission; Part 2

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Both Midnight and Crescent started barking and I was confused and I saw Synthia and Alex running towards me "There he is!" Synthia shouted then both Midnight and Crescent jumped down and went back to her

"Hmm what are you going doing here?" I asked back to my emotionless state "We came to rescue you duh!" Alex said "Well you don't need too I'm fine" I said leaning on the tree I was tied too "Huh? Who's this?" Synthia asked pointing to my uncle

"My uncle" I simply said "Your own uncle kidnapped you!" Alex shouted "Shut up!" I said and he flinched "geez where's Keiko Sensei?" I asked walking up to them "fighting Chunin ninjas" Alex said glaring at me

"Well then that's my que to leave see you later Uncle" I said then disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared next to sensei back to back "Well well well if it isn't The Copt Cat Jr" One of the Chunin ninja said

"This should be fun" Other one said then I activated my Sharingan and pulled out a Kunai while sensei pulled out a scroll I then threw the Kunai in the air as a signal and both Midnight and Crescent jumped over the ninja with Alex and Synthia and I caught the kunai

"Alright guys let's show them what Team 6 can do!" I said smirking "Yeah!" Synthia and Alex said in sync and the pups barked and....

[Five Minutes later]

"Man I thought that was going to be more fun" I whined looking at the chained up ninja deactivating my Sharingan "That's sad you Chunin lost to a couple of Genin" Keiko Sensei said walking up to us "Keisuke-kum you were awesome" Synthia said walking up to me

"Well no need to disagree" I said smirking et the ninjas while Alex glared at me "What business do you have with us" Keiko Sensei asked serious "like we would ever tell you" The Chunin said then Alex tighten the chain

"Tell us or I'll kill you right here and now" I said activating my Sharingan "Alright alright we'll tell please don't kill us!" The Chunin ninja on the other side said as he started crying "loosers" I jumped then deactivated my Sharingan

"Our boss told us to bring you to him" The cry baby Chunin said "yeah he said to bring The Copy Cat Jr to him and if we failed he'll kill us!" The other Chunin said "What are your names" I said squatting down scaring them

"I-i'm Takao" Takao said "i-i.... I'm Tadao please don't kill us!" Tadao said crying again "your both annoying who's your boss?" I asked "We can't say!" The both said "Alex tighten up the chain" I said and he did giving the Chunin cuts on their arms

"Tell us now or you'll die" I threatened "We don't know he's name he just hired us" Tadao said shaking "Can you described what he looks like" Keiko Sensei said folding his arms "Well he had a black cloak and an orange mask" Takao said

"Hmm black cloak and orange mask you say" I said standing up "huh?" My teammates said and sensei looked at me weird 'It's definitely Tobi...... ' I thought glaring at the two "What does he want with me" I asked annoyed

"We don't know he just told us to bring you too him" Tadao said "you've said enough" A familiar voice said from behind us and the two started shaking "Tobi..... " I said turning around

"Looks like we meet again Keisuke" Tobi said "what do you want we me?" I asked annoyed stepping in front of my team "I want you to work for me" Tobi said "Why should I what's in it for me?" I asked glaring at him

"I will train you teach you everything I know Shadow Beast" Tobi said "I would need time to think" I said and I knew he was smirking behind his mask "I'll give you a month to think about it" Tobi said then disappeared and reappeared behind Tadao and Takao

"P-please don't kill us!" Both Takao and Tadao said in sync with fear but the three disappeared in a puff of smoke and Alex released he's Jutsu "Keisuke-kun your not actually thinking about working for him" Synthia said

"Yeah you know he's an s-ranked criminal right your not actu thinking about it are you?" Keiko Sensei said(S-Ranked or A-Ranked before the Akatsuki)

"If it means getting stronger I might..... But that's not important right now" I said walking back towards the village "Keisuke... " Synthia worried which made mes stop and looked back at them
"We need to report our mission to the hokage" I said then started walking again

'Only one month to think about it  huh maybe I should do it if it makes me stronger' I thought smirking

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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