A haon

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Violet was just as anyone in college, struggling, who had such a cliche job at McDonalds. She had just turned 18 when her parents kicked her out because she wanted to study fashion design at college and not be a lawyer like her parents. Another possible reason why she got kicked out was she went to a party one night, she let lose. She was gone the whole night and woke up with some guy. She didnt even notice she had a tattoo just to the right under her belly button until her mother pointed it out when she got home. You could barely see it because her high waist shorts and her blue crop top were possibly touching which only left a small space visible of her stomach. It was a boys name, Luke to be precise. It must have been the guy she woke up to, but her insticts were telling her otherwise, that he wasnt the guy she with the whole night.She was lucky her mother didnt see her other tattoos and know she was sober when she got them, she would kill her.

She was hoping to still live at her home when she went to college, obviously not. She would have to live on campus, ugh. She decided against the idea since she wanted her own space, she was socially awkward and it was expensive. So she got an apartment about 10 minutes away from college. It was nice and cosy with two bedrooms so her sister Ivy could stay over, but I doubt her mother would let her. She thought Violet was a bad influence, when really she wasnt, she got good grades, went to school the usual. It obviously wasnt good enough for her parents. She probably made them even madder when she dyed her hair the colour violet, aswel as a noise ring. Her parents thought it was unproffessional and sluttish. How is a nose ring sluttish? She didnt

Luke was just your average boy aswel. He lived with his mates, who he was also in a band with too. He worked in starbucks so he could pay for a quarter of the rent. He was the lead singer and played guitar, so he naturally got girls attention. He had light, slightly faded pink hair, that he woke up with some morning and a arrow heart with a girls name in it, Violet, on his arm. He thought it was the girls name that he had in his bed, but he doesnt remember her all that night, but a different girl that he only had a blurry image of. Of course the tattoo and the hair made the girls go even madder about him.


She had just left her new apartment to go off to Starbucks for her breakfast.

She checked her phone, 8:10 she had plenty of time to get food and even sit down before she headed off to college for the first time.

She plugged her earphones in and pressed shuffle, All Time Low Jasey Rae started playing full blast through her ears, blocking the rest of the world. She had such an urge to belt out the lyrics but restrained herself by concentrating on the path ahead of her to the nearest Starbucks which she had just googled before she left. She really had a terrible memory even though she lived in this city her whole life.

The footpath was crowded by commuters, just like herself going to work. They were giving her weird looks, its not everyday you see a girl with lightly faded violet hair nearly running down the footpath, with all these posh and rich people going off to work, just like her parents...

The wind was whipping her face, her hair flying everywhere and she was sure her nose was pink due to how cold it was.

She made it too starbucks in record time, nearly getting hit by a bus in the process. It wasnt her fault he came out of nowhere...

A smile curled at her lips as she entered the coffee shop, it smelt like coffee and chocolate. It was warm and the feeling was amazing on her skin due to how freezing it was outside.

It wasnt that busy, a few business people, a mother and child and a fat hippee guy, who she was sure she could smell marijuana off of him, the business people seemed to notice too, since they sent him dirty looks every few seconds and kept their distance from him.

It actually reminded her of Divergent, the business people are Erudites and the colourful hippee guy was Amnity. She couldnt help smile at how she remembered.

She went to see the movie with Ivy because she was going on about how she read the books and wanted to see if it was better than the books. She then had to listen to her sister fangirl for the rest of the day at how good looking Theo James was.

Her smile grew bigger when her sister said that she would be in Dauntless, because how brave she was. Violet was honestly touched that her sister thought she was brave and strong. She also remarked that Dauntless have tattoos, just like her sister.

She had 3 tattoos already, her 'Luke' one, a small flock of birds at the side of her wrist to show the constant journey everyone is on and on her shoulder blade it was like the Peter Pan symbol, the 4 kids flying away with the quote 'Never Grow Up' because her and Ivy used to watch it all the time and because everyone had a bit of child in them. But she also found the idea growing up terrifying, thats why she didnt go to college in a nearby city or town, she wanted to be close to home as l

possible even though she couldnt stand her parents constant nagging.

She was brought out of her trance by one of the workers "Are you ready to order or are you going to stand there staring at the menu all day?" He asked rudely. Violet was abit taken aback by him, I know its early but you didnt have to be that rude.

I looked at him he had slightly fade light pink hair, bright blue eyes with bags under them and was quite tall. But something about him made him seem familar, she just couldnt put her finger on it. Another worker came out from behind a door just as she was about to give him a sassy reply, "Luke you dont have to be so rude. Sorry about that hes really tired" he smiled sweetly at her. He had brown hair, with chocolate brown eyes, with skin tan, he was really good looking.

She smiled back at him and returned her attention back to Candyfloss, who she now knew was Luke.

"Em could I get a white hot chocolate and a triple Belgian chocolate muffin please" She huffed as Candyfloss raised his eyebrows at her order.

"Are you a chocoholic or is it that time of the month?" He smirked, as her cheeks redened, as she attempted to hide it by rolling her eyes.

"Im a chocoholic you-" her rambling was interupted by tanned boy.

"Pass no heed of Luke, he just upset he didnt get laid last night" he smirked as Luke shoot daggers at him. I couldnt help laugh either.

"Im Calum by the way and I think you already know Luke. So are you knew in town or..." they shook hands as Calum let the last part trail.

"No I lived here all my life, I moved into an apartment nearby so this is now my new local starbucks. And Im Violet by the way" she says as Luke obviously hears and writes her name on a cup.

"If you wouldnt mind taking a seat, there are other customers too" Luke coldly says. Violet looks behind her and practically cackles, "Theres no one in this line except me. Aw are you jealous that we are leaving you out Candyfloss" She says pouting at the now blushing boy in front of her. Calum burst into laughter and she couldnt help smirk knowing he had no come back. He would just sound uncertain if he said no and he didnt want to give her the satisfaction.

She decided to sit in the corner were it was cosy and waited patiently.

She ate her food as she listened to All Time Low, savouring the sweet taste of her the chocolate practically melting on her tongue.

When she was finished, she got up and started walking towards the door.

"Bye Calum! Bye Candyfloss" she yelled as she opened the door with a smirk as she heard Calum laugh heartedly at her.


This is so boring, is all I have to say about his chapter.

But omfg Amnesia came out. I fucking cried.

Thanks for reading enjoy☆

-Ash x-

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