Natsume Takashi x OC [Natsume Yuujinchou]

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So here's a one shot for Natsume Takashi kun from Natsume Yuujinchou! As usual, a sudden idea popped up in my head when I rewatched a couple of episodes from the very first season and I had to write it :D

I hope I was able to get the personalities of the characters right, and that of Takashi kun if he ever ended up being confessed to and landed himself with a girlfriend.

Happy reading! ^^



Ami pov:

I stood outside the classroom doors waiting to be called in by the teacher and asked to introduce myself to at least three dozen boys and girls who would be my classmates from today. I had just moved into this calm countryside town with my family and today was my first day at school. It wasn't anything new to me though so I didn't feel nervous at the thought of being around new faces.

"Transfer Student, you can come in now." Sensei called and I took a deep inhale before letting myself in.

I walked to stand next to the teacher and turned to face my new classmates. I bowed and gave everyone my best smile.

"Hi everyone! I'm Erizawa Ami and I just moved into the countryside. I hope we can be friends and have a fun year together. I'll be in your care."

"It is a girl!! And she's pretty!!" One of the boys in the middle seats cheered and exchanged fist bumps with his friends.

I laughed with a slight shake of my head, not surprised in the least by the reactions I got. Sensei though seemed a little exasperated and slapped his metal scale on the front desk to make everyone settle down. When everyone fell silent, having been cut short of their excited chatter, the teacher looked at me with a kind smile.

"Okay, I want everyone to be nice to Ami chan and help her get used to the new atmosphere. I'm sure you all remember how nerve-wrecking your first days of school were so I expect you'll all be generously welcoming. Ami chan, you can take the empty seat over there by the window. The class representative Sasada chan will take you for a tour around the school during break." Sensei instructed.

"Okay, Sensei. Thank you." I responded with a chaste bow and made my way to the seat allotted to me.

I sat down and exchanged greetings with my immediate neighbors before Sensei told all of us to shush so he could begin class. Being my first day here, I assumed that I would be cut some slack so I didn't bother opening my textbook. Instead, I looked out of the window feeling just a little sad.

In all my sixteen years, I've never been in a single school for more than two years. My father had a job that got him transferred to different cities every two years so I ended up having to move from one school to another even before I could get used to the place. I had very few friends during the time I spent in any one school – even though I called them my close friends, they weren't people I could share my secrets with so I always ended up losing touch with them when I moved.

And of course, I had no boyfriend either.

It wasn't that I wasn't social or couldn't get along with people easily. I was friendly and could get involved in conversations easily but there was one thing that I couldn't share with anyone which made me keep my distance from those around me. It wasn't a bad habit or a family problem of any sort. In fact, if it were either of those, I wouldn't have minded talking about it to someone for some sort of consolation. I wouldn't have to try and maintain distance out of fear of being made an outcast.

Keeping my personal life aside, Kaa san, Tou san and I had become tired of constantly moving from place to place like nomads. So Tou san had finally decided to settle in this town in a company that ensured stress-free work timings and, obviously, no transfers.

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