To Hell & Back - Audie Murphy (USA)

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This is the story of Audie Murphy , the most decorated US solider in WW2.

Audie was from Texas and served first in WW2, later in Korea and finally in Vietnam.

There are simply too many stories about his deeds to even try and cover them is such a short text, but among his fellow soliders he was truly a hero and a great inspiration.

When he returned from the war he suffered heavily from post-traumatic stress (back then called the shell shock) and after a long time on addictive medicines he finally locked himself into a motel for 1 week to cure his addiction of the drugs.

After this he became an author and a very famous movie star and even acted in a movie about himself.




A short man from Texas

A man of the wild

Thrown into combat,

Where bodies lie piled

Hides his emotions,

His blood is running cold

Just like his victories,

His story unfolds

Bright, a white light,

If there'd be,

Any glory in war

Let it rest,

On men like him

Dead men will never come back

Crosses grow on Anzio

Where no soldier sleeps

And where hell is six feet deep

That death does wait

There's no debate

So charge and attack

Going to hell and back

A man of the 15th

A man of Can Do

Friends fall around him

And yet he came through

Let them fall face down

If they must die

Making it easier

To say goodbye

Bright, a white light,

If there'd be,

Any glory in war

Let it rest,

On men like him

Who went to hell and came back

Crosses grow on Anzio

Where no soldier sleeps

And where hell is six feet deep

That death does wait

There's no debate

So charge and attack

Going to hell and back

Oh gather 'round me

And listen while I speak

Of a war where hell is six feet deep

And all along the shore

Where cannons still roar

They're haunting my dreams

They're still there when I sleep

He saw crosses grow on Anzio

Where no soldier sleeps

And where hell is six feet deep

That death does wait

There's no debate

He charged and attack

He went to hell and back

Exact words from the earbook - I own nothing.

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