Chapter One

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Maya's POV

I woke up and rolled over to look at my clock. I groaned inwardly and saw that it was only 6 am. I put my face in my pillows and feel back asleep, but the pounding on my door continued.

"What do you want?" I yelled from my bed. It was Saturday morning, so WHY is someone pounding on my door at freaking 6 in the morning?!?

"MAYA!! GET YOUR ASS UP WE HAVE TO GO SOON!" my mom yelled from the other side of the door. Oh yeah, I forgot, today was my aunt Angie's wedding rehearsal and I was a bridesmaid.

I sighed and rolled off the bed. I landed with a thud on the floor and yelped as I fell. I got up and went into the bathroom the get ready. After all of my hygiene stuff, I curled my hair and got dressed. I felt lazy and I was just going to change as soon as we got to my aunts house, so I put on a pair of my black Hollister sweatpants, one on my black You Me at Six t-shirts, a grey Wisconsin hoodie, and put on my favorite pair of black and mint green converse. I grabbed my ipod and my phone and put them in my bag and went downstairs.

I walked into the dining room to find my brothers, sister and parents hurriedly eating their breakfast.

I sat down next to Jaxon and grabbed a pancake and some bacon and started to eat. Jaxon is the oldest in my family at 18, then its me at 16, then the twins Bailey and Tommy at 4.

Nobody was talking, everyone was eating, except in Jaxon's case, he was on his phone, probably texting his girlfriend. "Jaxon," my mother said "put your phone down and eat, if you don't eat now you'll be hungry while at the rehearsal and I won't be happy."

I rolled my eyes. My mom was so weird and overdramatic, whenever she was here that is. she was usually working, and when she wasn't working, she was here, pointing out every little thing that we didn't do right and giving us a guilt trip about it. It made me so mad because all she does is go to work for like six hours and comes home to nag us, watch t.v., eat, or sleep. Sometimes it felt me I was more her mom than she was mine. We might as well be personal servants or something.

"I already at like 5 freaking pancakes mom, do you want me to get fat?" I snorted and everyone looked at me. I pretended not to notice the attention and continued eating. Jaxon, fat? Are you kidding me? Jaxon was the quarter back on the Varsity football team at our school and he practically had all the girls falling over themselves to get to him. It was funny, because before he started working out and before football, he was always bullied and he never fit in. Hmm..... I guess puberty does work on people.

Mom rolled her eyes and got up and cleared her place at the table and told us to hurry up. "Whatever," I mumbled, and stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth. After I finished, I cleared my place at the table and walked over to my dad.

My dad was really tall. He was about 6'7" with short black hair and big brown eyes. He was nice, funny, caring, serious when he needed to be, and I considered him a mother and a father a lot. When I was little,my dad did everything around the house. Cleaned floors, did laundry, washed dishes, dusted, everything until we were old enough to help out ourselves. My dad did my hair everyday before school until I started middle school. He takes me shopping for clothes for school and everything, my dad is like my hero.

"Do you need help with anything dad?" I asked him. He sighed and turned to me. "No, just to help the twins get dressed and then take them to the car, I think Jaxon is already there, but check to see if he is in his room." "Kay," I said and went to the twins' room.

I walked in and they were fighting over their teddy bear." No, today is my day to have Jojo, you got her yesterday," Bailey wined. " No you had her yesterday, remember?" said Tommy. I sighed and said," OK guys, time to get dressed." They jumped and dropped Jojo in the middle of the floor and went to their closets and got their outfits. I had to curl Bailey's hair, because she was the flower girl.

After they were all dressed, we went to the car and waited for my parents. Jaxon was in the back, texting his friend Kurt probably and the twins were sitting next to each other playing eye spy. I sighed and sat next to Jaxon in the back.

I put in my headphones and blared my favorite You Me A Six song, Bite My Tongue, and waited for my parents to get in. About five minutes later, they finally got in and dad started the three hour drive from Madison to Kenosha. About half an hour into the drive, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


"Maya, Maya, wake up." I woke up to Jaxon nudging me and everyone getting out of the van. I yawned and stretched. I got unbuckled and jumped out of the van, and walked to the door. Once I was at the door I knocked and my aunt Angie opened the door.

"Maya, thank goodness you guys are finally here, we were starting to worry." She smiled and gave my a hug. I loved my aunt. She was about 25 and she was beautiful. She had long brown hair that went to the middle of her back, dark blue eyes and flawless skin. She was perfectly fit and she was about 5'5", so I was taller than her in my 5'10" frame.

Before I could answer her, my mom answered from behind. "We would have been earlier, but someone didn't want to get up this morning," she said giving me a look. I sighed and rolled my eyes and went into the house.

I walked up to my bedroom I have here, and went into the closet to get my bridesmaid dress. "OK,"said to myself," let's get this done." I took off my shoes and ran into the bathroom to put on the dress.

OK, so that was to first chapter. What did you think? Too slow? Not interesting? It's not that interesting now, but I will get better as it goes on. Don't give up on me guys!!:) Kk, so comment, vote, or follow. Or all three:)) I will try to update as often as I can.

Thanxx guys-Mitchie

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