Chapter Two

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Maya's POV:

"Oh my gosh, that was so long, but it was fun," my cousin Tomara said from behind me. We had just gotten done with the rehearsal dinner we were so tired. Tomara was my cousin who was a year older than me, but a lot shorter. She was about 5'4", but she was pretty. She had brown, short, shoulder length hair that was always straight, hazel eyes, little freckles across he face and she was quite thin.

"Yeah, I guess it was. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," I said.

We walked up the stairs and went into our room. We had to share a room because Angie's house wasn't very big and there was  a lot of people spending the night tonight.

"OK, I call the first shower," she yelled as she walked in the bathroom.

"OK," I mumbled to myself as she slammed the door shut. I rubbed my eyes and fell onto my bed.


It was dark when I woke up. I looked over the the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was 2:30a.m. I was going to get up when I heard my stomach rumbling. I sighed and went downstairs to go get a snack.

When I got down stairs I found that someone else was also awake. My cousin Marcus was at the table eating cereal and staring into nothingness.

"Hey, whatcha doin," I asked quietly, careful not to wake anyone up who might be sleeping on the couch.

He looked at me and smirked, then asked,"What are you doing?"

"I asked you first," I said with a smile. I went into the cupboard and grabbed the box of frosted mini wheats and poured some into a bowl with some milk and went and sat down next to Marcus.

Marcus and I were related of course, but we had never really seen each other when we were littler and while growing up, so we didn't really know each other on a personal level.

"What does it look like? I'm skydiving into a huge shark tank."

"There is no need for sarcasm mister," I said.

We sat in a bit of an awkward silence as we finished our cereal. Marcus finished before I did, so he sat there slurping the milk out of his bowl while I was still eating.

"Shhhhh!" I scolded, "You are going to wake someone up.

He removed the bowl from in front of his face and said "Very doubtful, this entire house is full of crazy deep sleepers," he said with a smile.

He went to put his bowl in the sink and stood up to his full height.  Marcus was 17 and would be Tomara's twin brother, but he was adopted when he was about 2 years old. He was about 6'5". He had black hair that was usually styled some boy band way, but right now it just stuck out in all directions. He also had deep green eyes and full lips. He was also pretty fit, considering that he was the quarterback of the football team, which I'm guessing that they have to be pretty fit, don't they? So I guess that you could say that he was the attractive type.

"Why are you still in your dress anyway?," he asked. I had totally forgotten that I was in it, which also meant that I hadn't showered, gross.

"I fell asleep waiting for Tomara to get out of the shower," I informed him, getting up from my chair to take care of my bowl.

I got to the sink, put my bowl in it and turned around to find Marcus right behind me. He put his arms on either side of me and leaned in so our faces were barley inches apart. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. My breath hitched as he whispered in my ear,"Next time, you should just come to my room and shower, I'd love to see you more." And with that, he smiled at me,told me goodnight, and left.

I had no idea what just happened, but I really needed to find out.


After what happened with Marcus last night I had taken a shower and went to bed, all the while thinking of what the hell happened with him. I barley knew him, and we are cousins, so what the hell?

I decided to push that thought out of my mind and focus on today. Today my aunt was getting married and it was all about her. I pulled on my dress and went downstairs to my aunts room. When I got there all the other bridesmaids were already there: my mom( the maid of honor), Tomara, C.J.( Angie's best friend), and Marci( my mom and Angie's other sister, and Tomara and Marcus's mom.)

I was really hungry and I was about to ask to go get some food before doing our hair and everything, but then I saw some fruit on he little table and let out a sigh of relief. As I was eating my apple, Tomara walked up to me and grabbed it out of my hands and took a huge bite.

"AYE!!, my food, get your own sweetheart," I said laughing.

"Sorry I'm just so fucking hungry."

"Its fine," I said walking over to my mom. She looked beautiful. Her dark brown was put in a waterfall braid and curled with some glitter in it. I looked around to look at everyone else's hair and noticed they were all he same, that's when I noticed that someone was calling my name. It was Nicole, the hair stylist Angie had hired. I walked over and sat down in the chair.

As she was doing my hair I almost fell asleep. I loved how it felt when someone was styling my hair. It only took about 15 minutes, but when she was done, I had to admit, it looked pretty good.

Next was makeup. I didn't put all that much on because I hateed the feel of a lot of makeup on my face, it made me feel artificial and fake, but I did put on some eye-shadow, eyeliner and some mascara. Finally everyone put on their dresses. The dresses were about mid thigh and an aqua blue color. they were strapless with a sparkly diamond belt and the rest of it was slightly ruffled and looked beautiful. All of the bridesmaids had he same dresses on, same hairstyle, and same makeup theme.

It was time. All the bridesmaids got into the limo and we were on our way. When we got there we all ran inside to help finish getting ready. The ceremony was held in a little catholic church about 10 minutes away from Angie's house. It had huge stain glass windows and the front of it was decorated with ribbons to show that there was a wedding there.

It was almost 11 o'clock and everyone was getting nervous. People were quietly babbling as they watched all he guests file in started filling up the pews. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was he wedding director. She was telling me that I was the second person to go down the isle, and of course who I was going down it with. And just my luck, it was the one and only Marcus, of course, the only person I was trying to avoid today.

Tomara came up behind me and wished me good luck,"Try not to trip and screw it all up," she said jokingly with a smile.

"Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically with a smile, rolling my eyes. She

left just as Marcus came up next to me.

"Hey," was all he said. "Um, hey," I said back, feeling more than a little awkward. "Maya...." he started, but he was silenced by the sound of music. Whatever he was going to say was going to have to wait, thank goodness.

Alright, I know this story is starting to get a little boring for some people, but I really am trying to write a good story. So please keep reading, it would mean a lot:)


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