Chapter 4

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Maya's POV-

I woke up with a killer headache. It felt as if my head was going to blow off and burst into a million pieces. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 8:30.

I pulled the covers off me and stood up. As soon as I sat up, I immediately wanted to go back under the covers and sleep forever in the hotel bed that felt like a cloud. It was too cold outside the warm bed.

I went over to my bag that was along the wall of the opposite side of the hotel room, took some tylenol, and grabbed out one of my huge sweatshirts.

After that, I went to the bathroom to "freshen up." When I got out, I saw my parents on the other bed and that the twins were also on the bed that I was on. Hmm..... I didn't even know they were there.

I walked over to the bed to cover them back up, but half way there I tripped over a weird tan rock. I yelped as I fell.

I looked to see what I fell over and it was Jaxon.

" What the Hell?" he asked.

" Why are you in the middle of the floor," I asked him, dodging his question for some reason.

" Um, sleeping. You and the twins were hogging he bed last night, so I gave up and just slept on the floor. Now isn't your life just so complete now that you know?"

" Shut up," I said. I walked over the the bed the twins were on and covered them back up. I walked over to the door and slipped on my shoes. I was about to open the door when I heard Jaxon say something.

"What?" I asked.

"I said where are you going?"

"I'm hungry as fuck, so i'm going downstairs to get some breakfast in the cafeteria area. Do you want to come?"

It was if whenever he hears something to do with food, he is an eager beaver and can't get to it fast enough. He jumped up and put on a shirt and pulled his shoes and smiled at me.

"Ready," he said. I laughed and opened the door and walked into the hallway.

We raced to the elevator and when we got there, we fought over who was going to push the button. Hey, we may be teenagers, but we are still kids on the inside.

It was a quiet in the elevator and we stood there in silence. But it was a comfortable silence.

Jaxon mumbled something and I looked over at him.

I smiled," Dude, you have to stop mumbling, people are going to start to think that you-"

"I saw you and Marcus last night. You know, making out in the middle of your aunt's dance floor, at her wedding. I'm pretty sure everyone saw, and to say the least, some people were disgusted," he said, his face grim.

My breath flew out of my lungs as he spoke. My vision blurred.

'I did what last night?' I thought. Just as I thought that, all the memories of last night came flooding back into my head. Marcus apologizing, me kissing him, him kissing me back, us moving to a quieter place, him stopping, saying this was wrong, me wanting him not to stop, going up to the hotel room, and the kiss in the hallway.

"Oh, fuck."


Marcus's POV:

She kissed me last night. The girl I have loved for what feels like forever, kissed me last night. I couldn't sleep at all. All I could think about was the feel of her lips on mine. The wonderful feel of her tongue in my mouth and how wonderful she tasted, how much I didn't want to stop, and how much more I wanted.

But I can't think like that. If anybody gets the idea that we did do anything at all, people would't be so cruel to her and I, and I couldn't let people do that to her, I cared too much.

I rolled over to look at the little clock sitting on the nightstand it read 8:00. I heard a noise come from the bathroom and Tomara walked out.

" Morning sleeping beauty!!" she said quietly, acting all cheery. Tomara and I were two years old when I was adopted in this family. We used to fight all the time and we used to hate each other.

( Flashback) When we were about 8, I brought home one of my friends, and we thought that is would be funny to play a prank on her. Needless to say, she was pissed. She told me that she hated me and told me to go back to where I care from and to never come back. So, I left. And when I left, that meant that I went and stayed in my tree house for three days. Luckily it was summer and it was warm and i didn't miss any school. I would occasionally go to the house to get some food for the day, then go back out. Well, one night when I went to get food, Tomi came in and when she saw me, she hugged me so tight that I thought that my eyeballs were going to pop out of my head.

'MARC!!! Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I missed you so much and I never should have said that. I'm sorry. So sorry. Please don't leave again!' I looked down at her face and it was streaked with tears. I started to cry and hugged her tightly back.

'It's okay Tomi, I won't leave again. I love you cheerio.'

She giggled, 'I love you too Little Bear.' Since then, we have been the best of friends and we were always together. ( End of flashback)

"Hey," I said, " What are you doing?"

"I'm feeling a little hungry, so i'm going to go downstairs to get something to eat. Wanna come?"

I jumped up and put my shoes on. Tomi rolled her eyes at me and opened the door. We walked over to the elevator and I pushed the down button. We waited for the doors to open then we stepped in and pushed the first floor. It would take a while to get down there, since we were on the top floor.

I was daydreaming about Maya, when Tomi said something.

"Hmm," I asked.

" I said so you and Maya huh?"

I froze in my tracks. How did she know? Did she see us? I knew we should've left earlier.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Don't play dumb Marc, Jaxon pointed you guys out to me last night and soon, about half the room was looking in your direction," she said quietly, trying to sound nice and understanding.

I felt numb everywhere. How could I have been so stupid? I wasn't worried about myself. they could stone me to death and I would go with no struggle, if I was for sure that they would never hurt Maya.

"I think I love her," I said quietly.

Tomi sighed and turned fully to me. "Marc, i know you do. I see it every time you are around her. You look at her with that look that a person only gives to the person they love. But what I am saying is that you two can't be together. You are cousins."

I looked at her and I guess I must have looked like a little puppy dog, because she then said that she would help me and her get together.......................... if Jaxon agreed to help too. A huge grin came onto my face. I would finally be able to be with Maya, maybe....


Aright guys, kind of short, but I did my best for the people who actually like this book. Please give me some ideas of what to do with this story, because I am kind of running out of them.


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