Chapter XI {AND TAG}

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(A/N) I got tagged by ffoodie and I'm putting a tag at the end of this chapter because... idk
Fact: I pUncHEd a FUcKInG rOACh

The blood cycle stopped after five days. The pain ended after six. Will was there the whole time, making me feel better, buying me insane amounts of chocolate.

Five months went by. Will kept refusing to clean his room for some reason? You okay, buddy? The school year was nearing an end, obviously. Well, more like nearing the near end.

Mom, in fact, did end up getting therapy. Her late-night drinking stopped. She didn't talk about dad or Bianca anymore, thankfully. She kept her emotions pent up for her therapist so I wouldn't have to add that onto my already piled up stress.

Oh! And, guess who's in the Walgreens Pharmacy right now, filing in for a Testosterone prescription?

I guess my life is slowly, but surely, settling down. No more drama, no more purposely using incorrect pronouns. And since the supplement takes three months to start working, my doctor and I agreed now would be a good time to start.

"You sure about this?" Will asked, gripping my hand tightly. It was only a second, but it put a blush on my face.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I replied, grabbing the bag with the supplements inside. "I've wanted this for years now! And I finally get it!" I giggled a bit, giddy with excitement.

"You'll have to inject that into your hips, right?" He pointed at something inside the small paper bag.

I clenched my teeth together. "It'll hurt like hell, but it can't hurt worst than period cramps."

Will sighed. "As long as you're happy." The two of us stood outside the store while we waited for my mom to get done shopping. I couldn't stop smiling. Not even when I was injecting the stuff in me.

"You seem awfully happy for someone who's getting... shot?" Will's voice went higher as he looked for the correct word. We were standing in my bathroom. I was standing in nothing but a new (!) binder and a pair of gym shorts. A needle slowly pricked my side.

"Oh, you bet, hot stuff!" I don't know why I said that. I don't know where the surplus of confidence came from. All I know is that Will and I were both left flustered.

The both of us were silent until I was finished.

"Test talk, one, two, three. One, two, three." My voice was still the same.

Will laughed. "It's not gonna work immeditatly!"

"A boy can dream," I sighed.

He smirked. "Seems like a boy's been doing a lot of dreaming." Then he winked. He winked. What's that wink suppose to mean? "Sweet cheeks," he muttered.

"Cutie pie," I retorted.



"Squishy doggo."

"The word 'adorable' in human form."

With each compliment, we took a step closer to each other until our chests were shoved up against each other. Will's breath was hot a shaky. I tried to keep mine even, but it was hard.

"What're we doing?" My mind was blurry. I couldn't think straight. Why could I think straight? 'Cause I'm fucking gay for this cinnamon roll!

"I think this is called," Will racked his mind for the right word, "... flirting?"

I smiled. "I like flirting... with you... only you... nobody else." Well, shit. I fucked up. I fUCKED UP. Just because we were yelling pet names at each other doesn't mean he liked me. We do shit like that all the time. He's my best friend.

"Yeah," he breathed hot, ragged breaths. I halfway thought he was gonna die. "Same."

I moved my face closer to his, tilting my chin up. My hands were pressed against his chest. I was ready for this.

But I wasn't sure Will was. I wasn't going to do this to him without his permission. Consent is key, kiddos.

There was a loud knock on the bathroom door. "Nico! Will! You two okay?" God dammit, Mom.

"I-uh-yeah!" I shouted back at her. My hands fell from Will's chest and my posture went rugged. "Way to ruin the moment," I muttered under my breath. Only Will heard me.

He laughed. "Not completely."

"Wha-" he grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the bathroom, and into my bedroom.

My hands found their way back to Will's torso, whilst his hands found their way to my face. He cupped my face, tilting my chin up. "This okay?" He asked.

"Yes," I breathed out. I felt amazing. My heart was racing, I was shaking a little, my mind was racing, worrying over everything that was happening.

And it felt wonderful.

His lips touched mine. They didn't clash, they didn't intrude. They asked. I answered. Of course, Will would ask for consent even during the kiss.

I smiled into the kiss. That's just one of the many things I love about him.

(A/N) I know, I know, you guys are gonna be expecting this to be the end of whatever.
But no. HAHA. I'm not that mean... Or shall I say nice? You guys know me! At least one death/near death has gotta happen. And, again, thanks to Mia for helping me with the plot and being an amazing Will Solace!

Now: Tag Time. (Yes, I'm gonna continue using bold and italics.)

How evil am I?
Show a picture you've drawn
Name 4 musicals
Anime: Yes or no?
Who was your first follower (god dammit. Do you know HOW LONG. IT TAKES. TO SCROLL THROUGH. FOUR HUNDRED. TWENTY-MOTHER-FUCKING-THREE. NAMES?!)
Anime recommendations?
2 food/snacks You dont like.


Polysexual (girls, non-binary, genderfluid [any form of changing your gender])
6th grade. I am young, smol bean.
March 22, 2006
On a scale from 1-Gordan Ramsay, I'm about Rick Riordan
<picture at top>

Legally Blonde
The Newsies
Be More Chill

In The Heights
Dear Evan Hansen

Haha I can't pick top 4)

EyItzTolfie i believe was my first???idk.
I like peanut butter, and I like peanut butter cookies. But I don't like peanuts. They're so dry. (Haha Pidge quote) But really, I don't like ice cream. Or cake. Or anything really sweet. Like... tic-tacs are good. That's it.

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