Chapter XXXV

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(A/N) Hello and goodbye, this is the last chapter so time for my formal goodbyes...

Uh... Angelica AngelicaNicole62442 is probably gonna do an Alternate Ending where Percy lives so prepare for that and...

Normally I do "Thank You's" but so many people have stuck with me the whole way so it's gonna be hard... so... just gonna do people who really stick out.

Mom, ordinaryteenagenerd , you've been amazing support. LIKE YOU VOTE AND COMMENT SO FAST WTF ARE YOU A WIZARD,

Mia, TheWillSolace , you're the reason Mrs. Dodds got poisoned even though I nearly forgot... sorry bout that...

And yeah... that's about it. So many people have left amazing comments (except for... a few... rated R ones...) and thanks so much so...

Here's the last chapter. Enjoy.

I did, indeed, prove the title of a top that night. (Will was a mess, it was adorable.)

I was surprised that Mrs. Dodds actually did need medical attention after eating only five outdated chips. Her immune system must have been week, because rumor has it she was in the hospital for a month and a half.

And then we never saw her again.

Mom and I recovered nicely from the... incident. Luke Kronos, Zeus Jupiter, and Pluto Hades recived a lifetime in jail after we told the judge details of what happened. If Percy Jackson hadn't died, he'd been treated as a hero to many people...

Will and I finished middle school, and I finally got known as Nico, a male. Boy. Vagina? Nope! (Unfortunately, I did have a vagina but they didn't know that.) Will was amazing, always supporting me and looking out. High School was going to breeze by with him around.

Keith Yuen came over a lot. He was a pretty chill, layed back dude. But one time he came over was more special. It was during dinner (Will was there, too), and Keith dropped down, seemingly only to fiddle with his shoe, but he pulled out a ring from his pocket, staying down on one knee. Now, there's a wedding happening next summer.

(She said yes.)
(Will and I couldn't stop squealing.)

Will's parents found out about his candy stash but, like the cool people they were, let him keep it! The only condition was that he had to keep his room clean. Will happily obliged.

Our parents were cool with us dating, which they found out one night when we were cuddling in my living room couch. He had tried to plant a secret kiss but someone (Mom) kept an eagle eye on us. She saw it all.

Me and my favorite jellybean got jobs during high school. Will didn't need a job, his family had plenty of money, but he said it was for the experience. I got a job to help save up for top surgery once I turn eighteen. Will tried to help me save up, but I refused to take his money. He'd already helped me enough.

My future plans are to graduate and attend college. Will's been checking into them, him wanting to be a doctor and all. I guess it'd be nice to have a doctor nearby for when this boy's adorableness gives me a heart attack. (Aye, that was smooth!)

I'm just studying as hard as Will so we can attend the same college. Being a doctor assistant might be nice. It doesn't take too many brain cells and the pay is decent enough.

I also want to buy a house with Will in the future. We've had our eyes on one by our old place's. It was a two story house with a lovely yard and room for pets if we ever decide to get one.

But there's one thing that's been on the top of my list: getting married.

Will and I have been dating since... since forever now! It's hard to remember the exact date, we've gotten so old. Once we graduate high school, I'm hoping he'll do it. I don't know where I'd find the courage to.

People still give me Hell about being trans and all, but they can go shove a fork up their ass. I am who I am. And if they can't see that, then they don't deserve my time.

But yeah... life's pretty great.

Just slow and steady.

Calm and relaxing.

Pretty great.

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