Chapter 15

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I can't believe I actually just agreed to stay with these crazy people! Wait they gave me a phone and laptop I could call Demi or E-mail her and have her come get me with max her other body guard when my dad is helping Selena or someone else.

Maybe I should call the cops I don't want to put Demi in danger again.

"We have to set some rules with the phone and laptop!" Jade explained I nod my head

Of course they do

"No contacting anyone, no Instagram, twitter, Facebook, nothing like that the only thing you can do on the laptop is play games, and watch Netflix and for the phone is pretty much the same no contacting Demi or any family and most defiantly not the police. Still no Instagram, twitter, and Facebook they only people you are allowed to call are us and the boys of 1D. If you break any of these rules they will be taken from you we are trusting you. that's all good night" Perrie explains

"Night I guess!" I walk to bed and lay down grabbing my phone and lap top on the way over. I need to buy a text free app so I can text Demi without them knowing or call the police.

3 weeks later

Ugh I have been here for 3 weeks. I think that they trust me now. Now is the time I should call they are at a meeting and won't be home till later tonight. Alright I have decided that I am going to call right now while I have a chance.


Police: 999 what's your emergency?

Me: help I have been kidnapped and am being held hostage.

Police: do you know your location?

Me: no please just help fast they will be home in 3 hours

Police: do you know what they look like?

Me: no

Police: okay please stay on the phone while we track you

Me: please hurry

Police: we're on our way

End of call

10 minutes late

I hear banging at the door down stairs I run down my stairs where the door to my room is and scream


"Police back away from the door we are going to kick it down!" a man screams I back up on the stairs away from the door

"Are you away from the door?" They ask

"Yes" I yelled next thing I know the door is on the ground. I get up and run into the police women's arms

"Thank you so much!!" I cry and cry into her shoulder

"Come on let's get you out of here." she says picking me up

"Wait can I find my phone really fast please?" I ask

"Yes just make it quick." I nod my head and run to Leigh-Anne's room. Hmm where would you put someone's electronics if you took them. I look in her dresser, nothing. Then I looked in her closet ah ha found them. I grab them then run down stairs and out the door into the cop car.

"So love what's your name?" the women asked

"Mackenzie" I told her

"Are you from England?" She asked

"Um actually no I'm from... the US LA to be specific." I told her hesitantly

"It's okay when we get to the station we will contact your parents or close family friends and get you on the next private plane to LA, have car waiting for you with police to make sure you get home safely." She told me. I can't believe this I'm actually going home for good I don't realize I am crying until the officer asked me a question

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