Broken dreams

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"If you want to view paradise...."
The voice that wasn't Lance's rung in his ears and slowly lifted the barrel of his gun to point at the target.
"...simply look around and view it..."
Lance could see his team looking for him and it broke his heart. He could hear them shouting his name.
"...anything you want to- do it ....."
Lance's body started to shake as he held back the tears that were threatening to spill over. He tightened his grip on his gun and he focused on the target.
"... want to change the world?"
Lance could feel the pressure inside him and he aimed for the back of the targets head, closing his eyes briefly before looking at the target again.
"There's nothing..."
Lance felt the tears streaming down his face. He couldn't stop it, yet he couldn't lower the gun.
"... to it."
Lance could feel Narti's , the origins of the voice, hands on his shoulders and he placed his finger on the trigger. His target, how could, he had to kill them, he had to. For the safety of the rest of the team. For a better future. For peace.
"I'm so sorry Keith, I didn't mean to." Lance said loud enough for the team to hear him down below him. His aim slipped as he pulled the trigger. As the sound of the gun shot filled the room, all he could really hear was Keith, the target. His short shout and his body hitting the floor. All he could do as his blood starting to pool on the ground. That's when Lance noticed he had only shot him in the shoulder.
Lance felt himself being pushed off the edge and hit the floor with a loud thud. It hurt like hell but he couldn't really notice over the immense waves of sadness and nausea that washed over him in waves. His sobbing filled the room as his team was gathered around Keith. He could just hear the teams chatter and worries.
"We need to get him to the ship."
"Be careful."
"Is he dead?"
"Just get him out of here."
But one voice caught his attention: Keith's.
"Where's Lance?" It was breathless and weak but still there. It made Lance crying double but he brought his volume down.
"Hunk, grab Lance but remove his bayard," ordered Shiro. Of course Shiro would still think Lance was a loose shooter. Lance closed his eyes so he couldn't see everyone's disappointment and shame. He felt a pair of large, gentle hands grab him. Streaks of pain filled his entire body and he let out a shriek.
"I'm sorry Lance," he heard Hunk say before lifting him up and placed on his shoulder with a few whimpers of pain to add to his sobbing mess.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I promise. I didn't know what I was doing. Please." Lance pleaded to the team and opened his eyes to see Pidge's disappointed looks and Shiro, Shiro didn't even look at him. Lance could tell he couldn't even muster a glance towards him. And Keith, he was white as a sheet and in Shiro's arms he looked so dead. "I'm sorry Keith."
And without warning, he fell unconscious.
Keith woke from an awful dream to be falling down and abruptly being caught. He was gasping for breath as he looked up to see a blurry image of Shiro. His vision was cloudy, little dark at the edges and everything hurt, yet he couldn't feel anything.
"Hey buddy. You're finally up," Shiro's soft smile was so warm it almost made Keith smile. "Let's get you to bed, you look awful."
"Ya," Keith's voice was cracked and dry but he softly smiled. Keith noticed Shiro kept eyeing his right shoulder. He regretted it almost immediately but he looked over and his arm and struck with shock and nausea. Where his right arm was supposed to be was nothing and his shoulder was a patch of scars. A sob escaped his as he forced himself to look away and towards Shiro.
"I'm sorry, Keith," Shiro face was so caring but Keith could see the pity. "The bullet shattered the bone to powder practically, and by the time we got back to the castle safely, your arm was dying and there was no way of saving it. Not even the healing pod could save it. I'm so sorry."
Keith stared at Shiro with no emotion or even indication that he had heard Shiro. Finally, he asked in a whisper, "what about Lance? What did you guys do with him?"
"After he got out of his pod he was put in a hopefully temporary cell. He's been laying there and crying most of the time."
A few seconds went by before, "I want to see him."
"What! Keith. Are you serious?"
"Why would I not be serious?"
"Fine, but eat something first. You look like awful. Just skin and bones."
Keith nodded as Shiro rapped Keith's arm around his shoulder and slowly walked down the hall and at first Keith's knees were trying to give out but he fought it off. Keith noticed that all the castle were dimmed, meaning it was either late at night or early in the morning. Keith didn't know if he should be crying or not. He wouldn't look anywhere but right at the ground in front of him and he was deep in his thoughts.
Shiro pulled Keith into the kitchen and sat him down on the counter but Keith barely realized. His head and ears were buzzing with the voices in his head, they wouldn't shut up. They questioned and criticized and stated, making Keith nauseous.
Keith's head popped up when Shiro placed his hand on his good shoulder and held a bowl of green space goo out to him. "I know it's not the best but enjoy." He grabbed the bowl and went to grab the spoon when he remembered he couldn't. He growled in frustration as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks. No, no crying.
Keith noticed Shiro's looks of pity and he gritted his teeth. He set the bowl down and awkwardly held the spoon in his left hand. A shaking hand and it not being his dominate made it hard to even try and use it. It was embarrassing and frustrating, so much so that Keith dropped the spoon and slammed his fist on the counter. Several tears slipped down his cheek as he looked up at Shiro.
"I can't. I just want to see Lance. Please," Keith pleaded.
Shiro shook his head with a face full of pity and concern. "I guess." The amount of pity he was receiving from Shiro made him sick.
Keith pushed himself off the counter and started to head down the hall, one hand never leaving the wall. He didn't know what to expect when he found Lance but none of the thoughts he had were that pleasant. In the end what he got was the other male staring at the wall from a cot like bed. Adrenaline rushed through him at the sight of Lance but the pathetic mourning for Lances happiness overcame him.
"Lance?" Keith muttered as he roughly sat down in front of him. Lances usual ocean blue eyes were a dull grey as they settled on him. He could see the tears welling up in the others eyes and looked breathless.
"I'm sorry," Lance pleaded, "I'm sorry, so sorry." He was done on his knees begging for forgiveness and it almost made Keith smile.
"It's okay," Keith could feel Shiro's presences but continued to hush Lance and for a long time they stare at each other. For hours the two sat there comforting each other with a large amount of tears and guilt. When Shiro came to check on them about five hours later he found the two asleep and grasping each others hand.

So I actually did this as a school story writing assignment and lucky me that I only put a tiny, not very detected, showing of Klance. It's hard to write good stuff because I like to involve the lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 community in my stories, even minority . So hope you like it and don't expect frequent updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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