OC 7 (Arai Hatsue)

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This is by awakened_domains

Name- Arai Hatsue Hatsue means “beginning painting” and I was kind of linking that to her being the first born and Arai is a common name I started drawing of this, then I started imagining a backstory for her.

Ok, that is a nice name and a good reason behind it.

After that I got engrossed and wanted to write a story Age-same age as Naruto, but a few months older tho. At the beginning of the fic she’s 4 than it skips to 8 and then 11 and it’s goes from there.

Ok, that sounds good.

Gender- female


Family- Uzumaki-Arai Sana (mother) -deceased -Arai Masao(father) -deceased -Uzumaki Kushina (godmother)-deceased -Senju Tsunade (guardian/shishou)-alive

Great, and thanks for the life status.

Appearance- trademark Uzumaki red hair, stops just above the shoulder blades. Usually kept up, she has front bangs that look very choppy because she likes to cut her own hair. Tan skin tone. Orange/ amber eyes- same as her father. Quite tall for her age and gender at around 5’1” at the age of 12, 5’4” when she’s 13 and 5”8 at 16

Ok, nice appearance. It's simple and very easy to imagine.

Build- despite her height Hatsue isn’t lanky and quite toned from her training and travelling with Tsunade. Muscle definition is quite prominently shown. Has little scars scattered over her body mostly from being reckless during training.

Oh scars. There are usually none for OCs so having some makes the OC different and unique.

During the academy she wears a long sleeved black top and khaki ninja pants that are taped to her ankles, black sandals.

Ok, it is simple to imagine on her. Good job.

Genin- canvas vest, similar to a chūnin vest but khaki coloured, black ninja pants taped to her ankles and black sandals. Left hand is bandaged because her wrist blade is there, gloved right hand. Tanto kept on her back.

Nice, she has appropriate ninja attire. Good job.

Part2: chūnin vest, underneath the vest is a long sleeved fishnet top underneath a sleeveless top, blue ninja pants taped at the ankles to calves, black ninja sandals. Left hand bandaged because of her wrist blade, gloves right hand because she either punches with that hand or handling her tanto. Tanto is kept on her back, similar to how Shino’s bag is strapped to his back in part2 Hitai-ate is always on her forehead.

Oh nice. She doesn't have much change which is great.

She’s brash, loud, observant, confident, not very book smart, hard headed, loyal, impulsive. Usually serious during combat situations.

Oh nice. She is in one category for personality which is great and makes her balanced.

Most efficient in Taijutsu and kinjutsu, tries to combine both by using a short sword and a wrist blade attempts at chakra infused punches but they aren’t as strong as sakura’s bc Hatsue has just above average chakra control. In the fic it says she doesn’t but that’s because she’s always comparing herself to tsunade and shizune.

Ok, good job having her trying to combine the styles.

Ninjutsu is below average- knows the basics from the academy, however knows medical ninjutsu, to an extent. Genjutsu stat is almost nonexistent. Could be well above average in fuinjutsu Because she is part Uzumaki her natural chakra reserves are pretty big but she doesn’t really use it because of her favouring Taijutsu. Although she has an affinity to wind and earth.

Great, the fact that her genjutsu stat is very low because of her taijutsu stat is great and balanced. Everything is great.

Her parents are retired chūnin, her father retired after losing an arm in the war and her mother retired bc she wanted to stay alive for her wedding. After that her mother became a weapons vendor and her father usually helped. Originally from Konoha, but had to move to Kiri for her mother’s weapons business. Whilst traveling, they were almost across the boarder when they got attacked by a group of rouges.

Oh so they moved to start the weapon business. Cool. This part of the past is great.

Masao was killed stalling them so Sana and Hatsue could escape but they were followed so Sana told Hatsue to hide and led the pursuer away. Before Sana died, she tried to get help from a few Konoha nin that she could sense that turned out to be Tsunade and shizune. Bc of Tsunade’s haemophobia she couldn’t help without freezing up and had to leave and that cost Sana her life. As Sana was dying she asked shizune to take Hatsue somewhere safe.

Good that you used Tsunade's fear as a cost to your OC's death. It not only features your OC but also a canon character's flaw. Good job.

Hatsue wouldn’t leave them alone and Tsunade felt guilty so she took her in and kind of looked after her. When she turned 11 Hatsue still wanted to be a Shinobi so basically Tsunade took her back to the leaf.

Good, Tsunade would feel that way because she was the cost of someone's death. So her taking in Hatsue was great.

Relationships: tries to see the good in everyone and attempts to be friends with all her class mates. Sees Naruto as her best friend or even family. Naruto found out that she’s an Uzumaki too and he’s convinced that they’re cousins.

How did her and Naruto meet? That's really the only question.

Sees Tsunade as a mother figure and shizune her sister. Won’t be any romantic relationships because she doesn’t see the need for the.

Ok, cool.

In part 1: Hatsue’s original goal was to become the strongest ninja ever, during part 2 her goal dissolves and she ends up settling for becoming the strongest she can be and finding out who killed her parents. Team is made entirely out of oc’s with their own story’s and stuff. Yumi was previously teaching Hatsue (and Naruto) kinjutsu too during their time at the academy.

Oh cool, Hatsue's dream seems very achievable. Does she meet Sakura as well because she also becomes Tsunade's pupil?

Genin team- team 6 under their jōnin Sensei Nakamura Yumi Members- Hyūga Reiko Arai Hatsue Itō Tamaka


Final Analysis- This OC is very good and doesn't have anything to really work on. She is well balanced but she does seem kinda bland. Bland is good but having to much blandness would make her seem more of a side character than a main character. Other than that this OC is great. It was a honor reviewing her, thank you for letting me review her.

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