Elanrand, Hadas and Ledara walked the old crypt halls, they had been instructed to find a shield wielded by the great nord leader, Vold Shield arm, for Arangore's collection of rare artifacts. Yatgak, Nilili, Cledell, Rhide and Voete were waiting outside. Deep in the crypt, they saw the draugr.
"Hold it, draugr walk the halls, no torches, no yell'n, no heroics, got it, Hadas?" Elanrand asked, looking back at the imperial.
"Fine, I'll try." Hadas said, putting his shield on his back.
The Nord was experienced with the ancient Nordic tombs. She was an expert when it came to finding traps, and disarming them. The younger imperial, Ledara, loved old buildings and architecture, the old tombs of the nords made her excited, trying to figure out how they made their tombs was a great unsolved mystery. The older imperial, liked the weapons of the ancient nords.
The 3 made it to the hall of stories, seeing the old depictions of gods. They 3 say the door that blocked their way forward.
"The claw lock, we need a claw to open this door." Elanrand said,rubbing her fingers on the divots from the claw. Ledara looked at the wall carvings. Seeing something similar. Hadas looked out the door, seeing a Draugr walking towards the door. He shut the door and took out an Iron axe, placing the head over the door handles, locking the door. Ledara rubbed her hand, feeling a divot on the carving of the world eater, Alduin. She pressed on the carving, and it moved back.
"Hadas, come over here, I need your help." Ledara said. Hadas came over, and the 2 pushes on the alduin carving, it moved back and the 2 saw a claw, made from bone.
"We have the claw." Ledara said, throwing it to Elanrand. She caught it and looked on it. She turned the outer ring to a wolf, the middle ring to a bear, and the inner to a moth. She put the claw against the door, and twisted it. The outer and middle rings changed to a moth, and the door lowered. The door at the other end was being pushed on.
"Is there some way to close that door?" Hadas said.
"Not that I know of." Elanrand said. The 3 ran in, sneaking through the tombs, they reached the last door, and walked in, seeing several caskets, and a word wall. Ledara ran to the wall, looking at the old carvings.
"Where's the shield?" Hadas asked, looking around. A casket opened opened and a draugr got out, carrying a long, shield, and a sword.
"There it is." Elanrand said.
"Shut up." Hadas said.
Elanrand and Hadas held their shields up, preparing to strike at the draugr. Ledara prepared her short sword and mace. Ledara hit the draugr from behind with her mace, and stabbed it in the back with her sword. Hadas used his Aze to hook the shield, and Elanrand sliced at the arm. The draugr hit the Nord's shield, when Ledara ran her sword through the middle of the draugr.
The draugr fell over, before it died. Hadas picked up the shield, seeing the carvings of a wolf, bear and dragon skull on it.
"Let's get out of here." Ledara said, cleaning off her sword.
The 3 found a thin passage, and escaped tomb, and into a cave. They met back with the rest, and returned to their guild hall, seeing an Altmer, annoyed.
"It took you long enough." Anangore said.
Ask the forgotten guild
RandomThis is a book, based around Skyrim, involving a group of people, ranging from a high elf noble, to a khajiit assassin, a nord shield maiden, to an orcish with a big sword. Ask away, and they will answer your questions