Breakthrough {Susanna}

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December 20

Sherlock and John come blazing in, creating a breeze behind them. I look up from folding freshly laundered baby clothes and blankets and steel myself, "Breakthrough?" My husband grins and strides over to me, cupping my face and kissing me hard.

"Indeed. We were finally able to catch Funar's sniper and one of Mycroft's men was able to trace her web addresses."

I let out a deep breath, "That's wonderful, Darling!"

"Yes, we know where we need to search for her and there's no way she'll escape," He elaborates and then looks down at the several neat piles of folded fabrics, "I thought you would let me help with these, Love."

I smile sheepishly, "I've been terribly bored being cooped up in the flat for almost two weeks. I've super cleaned and rearranged everything else. Sorry, Darling."

"It's alright."

"So the nursery is put together then? I mean, on the topic of the new arrival?" John asks as he sits down in his chair to rest his legs. Sherlock pops down beside me on the sofa and takes a navy blue onesie with a ship's anchor over the chest out of the basket to fold.

"Just about. We're waiting on the reclining rocker and the wall decals. Did Sherlock tell you the theme for the nursery?"

John shakes his head, "No. He hasn't."

"Do you mind if I tell him, Darling?"

"No, I suppose not." He's much more focus on folding everything with equal skill to mine. I smile.

"We chose a music theme. Neutral White with accents." John chuckles.

"I'm not surprised. I imagine they'll be musically talented too."

"I have no doubt they will be. They tend to calm down when they hear it," I look back in the basket and gape, "How did you finish all those so quickly, Sherlock?"

"Utter Focus."

"Ah. Well then, we need to put these away. These go in the nursery and those-"

"In our bedroom. I'll be right back then." Sherlock pecks my cheek and gathers up the finished piles, setting about the task.

John smiles to himself, "Sherlock Holmes putting away baby things. Never thought I'd see the day." I laugh.

"He's said something to that effect many times."

"Have you... thought up names yet?"

I nod, "Yes, we have a few in mind for either outcome. But no one else is going to know until the baby comes and we figure out which one fits best. Although Sherlock is pretty sure it's a girl."



Sherlock comes back in and turns back to John, "We need to get going. Mycroft has everything ready."

"Now, Sherlock? Where are you going anyways?"

"East, far outside London."

I inhale, "I'm coming with you."

"No, you're staying." I hold up one hand and slowly stand up.

"Sherlock, if I don't get out of this flat I might go insane. And I'd rather be with you at all times than have something happen and you be so far away."

"She does have a point-" John agrees and is cut off by Sherlock.

"Susanna, taking you near Funar is like bringing the fly to the spider on a silver platter. At least in London there is an adequate distance between you."

"Please? I promise I won't run off. Just let me come with you. I'll feel much more secure and calm than if I stayed here alone. I might even be able to help."

John stands and steps over to our favorite detective, "Sherlock, I'd have to agree with her. She could use the air and the best way for you to ensure her security is to have her in line of sight."

This wins him over and Sherlock relents, "Very well. I would much prefer to keep you within arms reach for your safety." I smile.

"Thank you, Darling."

"Go and pack a small bag. We should still be prepared. I will inform Mycroft and Niles," I nod and embrace him briefly before heading into the bedroom. I grab my purse and stuff everything I can think we will or might need into my heavy duty backpack. Sherlock walks in before I can lift it up however, "I'll take that, Love."

"It's not too heavy."

"All the same, you shouldn't strain your back with this."

I sigh, "Alright."

"Excellent." I use the loo and freshen up before accompanying the duo downstairs to await Mycroft's sedan. Sherlock gingerly assists me down the stairs, handing off my bags to John. We inform Missus Hudson who wishes us safety and the best of luck, slipping me a box of fresh lemon poppy and blueberry muffins for the trip.

When the sedan arrives John gets into the front with the driver, leaving the roomy backseat to me and Sherlock. I look down at the floor and find one of Mycroft's umbrellas stowed there, just out of sight of anyone who might've peeked in the windows. Hope we won't need that. Rain plus frigid weather is terrible.

I hold onto Sherlock's hand, watching through the windows as London passes by. He looks through his burgeoning inbox and researches the specific region where we'll be searching for Doina. He grips my hand tightly, every so often using our secret pattern.

Hopefully we'll find her and take her down quickly without anyone getting hurt.

Thank you for reading and thanks for Fifty Followers and almost 1k views for this story! Love you all! :)

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