One Month {Susanna}

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February 28

"Hey, Honey, are you done napping now?" I croon, picking up William and rocking him gently. He stops whimpering and starts cooing at me, opening his eyes, "There we go!"

It's been just over a month since William was born and luckily he's on a schedule where he sleeps through the night now. He's napping regularly and we've developed our routines around his needs. Sherlock is still on paternity leave, but he consults for Lestrade when he brings cases over. I've handed in my resignation to Doctor Maclaine, so I'll probably be a freelance photographer and help Sherlock and John on cases.

I carry William out to the living room. Sherlock is sitting in his chair, hands pressed together under his chin and eyes closed. Smiling, I walk over to the sofa and feed William while I wait for my brunette husband to emerge from his mind palace.

He finally does so around thirty minutes later, when I'm already done burping and changing William. He inhales and looks over at me, "When did he wake up?"

"Half an hour ago. Good visit to your mind palace?"


"I hope you weren't deleting anything important." His eyes flash with panic.

"I've never deleted anything concerning you or William and I don't plan to-"

"Sherlock, chill. I know you won't," I get up with William and walk him over, "Here you go..." I lay William down on Sherlock's chest and he folds himself into fetal position. Sherlock quickly supports him with one hand, running the other over William's back.

"I wasn't actually deleting anything, Love. I was refining."

"Ahh," I straighten part of William's onesie and perch on the armrest, "Can you believe it, Darling?"

"Mm? Believe what?"

"That he's a month old." Sherlock nods.

"I suppose I can believe William has been with us for thirty days and six hours. Can you believe we're going on two years of marriage?"

"Yes. I'm reminded every time I look at him and my bridal set," He smiles and plucks up my hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a sweet kiss to my knuckles. When he lets go I thread my fingers into his curls and gently massage his scalp, "Three years ago, would you have thought someone was crazy if they'd told you you'd marry a nanny and have a handsome baby boy?"

"I might have deduced them as idiots requiring psychological treatment for thinking that of me," I chuckle and rest my head on his, gazing at William, "Thalia is still insisting we fly out to Florida."

"Yes. We haven't been there in- Wow. Almost three years? Time has flown."

"Indeed. And you miss spending holidays with your family."

"Well, your parents are also wanting us to fly out to Oklahoma."

"They also insist I call them seventy five percent more."

"If your son was across the globe, wouldn't you want frequent updates too?" He silences and I sigh, "Hmmm, Rhett and Mason graduate this year..."

"Remind me to ask your advice for a retaliatory prank against them next time we do see them." I blink.

"What? Why?"

"When they came for the wedding they pulled a rather obnoxious prank on me and John."

"... And..?"

He straightens up, "They put food coloring in my tea leaves. I ended up having blue and red tea for days afterwards. Luckily it didn't stain," Despite myself, I chuckle. Sherlock gives me a look of betrayal, "You find that funny? Those tea leaves are expensive!"

"The only thing I'm chuckling at is that they managed to prank the world's only consulting detective. Don't worry, I will lend you advice on how to get them back." His lips quirk up with mischief.

William shifts and makes a series of small noises. He manages to turn his head towards me and he flexes his doll-like hands and fingers. He repeats the sounds and then lets out a long sigh, "Do you want to go back to Mummy, Little One?" Sherlock inquires gently. William coos gently and grips Sherlock's shirt with his tiny hands as he looks at me.

"No, I think he's just looking at me. Is that what you're doing, Honey?" I stroke his dark, cowlicked hair and hum to him. 

And that's when it happens. One corner of his lips lift into a near, open mouthed smile. My jaw drops and I nearly squeal, "Sherlock!"


"He just smiled!" I run my fingers over his crown again and giggle, "Can you do it again, Honey?" Sherlock holds William a bit farther away so that he can see. It takes a little encouragement, but William smiles again. I lean down and kiss his cherub  cheeks with glee, cheering his milestone.

Sherlock chuckles and kisses William's forehead, "That's wonderful, Little One!!" And shortly, to the detective's delight, William smiles at him too. Sherlock beams, "He's smiling at me too!"

"Why wouldn't he, Darling?" I giggle and Sherlock cradles William closely, trying to coax out another smile from the baby.

Thank you for reading! Shout-outs to VelvetVanity, JustaSyd FandomHoarder, Jennyabrinko and mmkn2005!!

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