Author's Note;
I'm redoing this story. I'm sorry for anyone who like how it was going before but i found my original version and I'm deciding to go with that one instead. I'm truly sorry for any disappointments but I'm sure you will like this one better. Please enjoy. Leave a like, comment, and/or vote if you really like it. it would help me out a lot.
The beauty in this massive fish took my breath away.
Literally. I had to surface once already to retrieve the air I lost.
A coastal sun fish, from side view its massive size was amazing. Swimming majestically and slowly through the blue water, and when it turns to show me it’s other side, it’s so thin, like a flounder.
Just the mere site of it makes me laugh. The bizarre look to it is awesome. Letting it swim closer to me. He knows that I am no threat to it so he lightly bumps into me, allowing me to touch its tough, rough flesh. Being a very curious fish, I’ve continually been sending out soft sonars. Reminding it that i was not going to hurt him.Watching his clumsily swimming around me, showing itself off from flat to fat self. Laughing at this joyful play of friendship. I’ve been picking up signals that his name was Bar. Speaking in sonar to my new acquaintance, playing and mimicking his clumsily swimming, time seem to have flown by.
Before I knew it, the sun’s light has tilted slightly in the sky and I knew that I had to be going soon. Marius would be furious if he knew that I had been gone for so long. Feeling my distress, Bar bumped me one last time before taking his leave. Knowing that I might not see him again through this vast ocean. I kissed him on his head and swam to the surface to breath before I took my leave.Breaching the water’s surface, exhaling and refilling my lungs, the air felt so warm this afternoon. Letting the sun warm my face, I closed my eyes basking on the surface. Knowing full well that if I don’t return soon, Marius will punish me.
Marius; the leader of my Pod, he took the leading roll when his Father sacrificed himself to be eaten by a Bull Shark when he saw it about to attack his daughter Nixie. Nixie, who is my best friend and the older sister to Marius, still lives with that memory. Though I was only about seven when it happened, I too still remember it.
Nearing the sharks feeding time, I was swimming alongside my father and mother trying to seek shelter, Nixie was off swimming with a few of the other girls in our Pod. With Marius next to me continually picking on me and my Father verbally scolding him to get him to stop, we heard the screams echo loudly through sonar, the Pod scattered.
Clinging to my Mother, Marius swam towards that scream, followed by my Father, and several other Pod members swam to the aid of the scream. Arriving into the open waters, my mother covered my eyes but I saw it all. Kyros, Nixie and Marius’ father swam in front of Nixie and her friend Deena as the eight foot, hungry shark plunged them. Kyros thrust the spear into the Shark’s body just as it bite around his waist. Blood exploded form each bodies, as red surrounded them. Everything went silent as the shark released. Other men from our Pod swam over with weapons in hand and had made sure that the shark was dead.My father nearby was at Kyros side assessing the wound, thought all knew that it was inevitable to help him. The least we could do was to make his death a little bit comfortable by bringing him to the surface. Breaking the surface, I saw the agonizing look on his face. Tasting the blood in the water at surrounded us. Nixie and Marius were at his side. Tears in Nixie’s eyes and a pained look in Marius’, Kyros placed his hands on each of their faces and with his last breath he said his final requests.
“Nixie, Watch over your brother and the children, and Marius, when you turn eighteen, you will be the next leader of this Pod. Treat everyone with respect and lead rightfully my son,” and with that said, he gasped painfully, hearing nixie and Marius protest and cries, he died in my father’s arms with his children crying over his body.
To this day, I believe that that is why Marius has been so hard on us all. Because he was only twelve when his father decided his fate and knew that he hasn’t lived up to his Father’s dying wish even though Nixie had kept hers. Being older, she understood what she needed to do since she was already doing the caregiving to the younger children before his request. Being sixteen at the time, she has always been the Pods babysitter in away and counsel to everyone.
After they’re father died, Kyros’ brother little Kendall took the lead until Marius was old enough for the position. Though he may have kept our Pod safe from predators and starvation, he’s always been kind of a dictator. It’s always been, do it his way or stay way kind of attitude. Even when we we’re kids, he’s always been like that. But when it comes to me, it’s always been,” rule with an iron fist or I get a busted face”.
All he seems to do is beat me when I don’t listen or don’t respond quickly enough. Why it’s always me he treats like this, I don’t understand, but yet it’s the only thing that stayed the same in our Pod.
Jolting out of my daze, I have to get back. Gulping in a deep breath, plunging back into the open ocean, I stopped short. A huge school of mackerel and Tuna was swimming right towards me at top speeds. Kicking my tail into high gear, I swam in their same direction but the tuna started to pass me one by one. A small group escaped as my tail brushed against something course. Looking over my shoulder my heart jumped into my throat.
A net was inching closer towards me, enclosing me with the fish. Where did it come from? I didn’t even hearing a boat coming. Was I so lost in the memory that it was able to snick up on me? What ever happened, if I don’t get out of this situation soon, I’m as good as dead if the humans get a hold of me.
Itching for my freedom, shoving my fellow water brethren out of the way for my own safety. Coming closer to the open waters, the net pulled up. Consumed by silver, it broke the surface. Water drained through the holes and all of the fish began to panic. Slapping me I the face, nipping on my arms and each other. I tried to calm them down with my sonar, but it’s impossible to do so when were not in the water anymore and they’re all so frantic of their own curtain death, there was no way.
Slamming down hard with a crushing impact, the net dropped and the blinding sun reflected off of the fishes scales and orange pants humans that had us all surrounded.
Hearing them gasp at their find, poking at me wish rods all over my body, yanking on my fin and pulling on my hair and arms. Wailing and fighting back, they wouldn’t stop touching me. They’re faces looked the same as my Pods but some were different colored skin. Two were darker brown while some were tanned or white. All of their eyes looked full of greed and were talking about what they would do to me. Hearing on of them say something about selling me to the highest bidder, another said something about selling me to science and makes a million, whatever that meant.
A big, dark skinned man stood behind me as two more slender men took out a rope and pinned me down as they wrapped it around my wrists and gagged my mouth.
“So she doesn’t call for help,” one of the slender men explained. The big, dark skinned man picked me up and carried me towards the center of the boat as another man open a door in the floor. Dropping in the dark hole, cold water consumed me as I struggled to surface in the slightly shallow water. The tuna and mackerel that I was caught with rained on top of me, and then the door was closed.
Hearing echoes of cheering and whistling of joy, the boat jerked. It felt like it was turned on and where heading somewhere else on this vast ocean.
My eyes adjusted quickly in the darkness and I saw all the fish. There was barely any room to even move let alone for us all to swim. Half of the fish who seemed to be hear before looked dead or stunned from the change. Hatred and fear filled my entire being. Was this how they captured my mother? Locking her up in this darkness to lead her to her death!? I remember those days so vividly, but now is not the time to think about that. They got me once for remembering the past; they will not get me a second time.

Tidal Waves Edge
FantasyAzuela, a mermaid who has lost nearly everything, is one of the few remaining survivors in her Pod. Humans hunt her kind often, her parents are gone and her Pod leader is abusive towards her. One day, a fishing boat caught her in they're net. Trap...