Chapter 10 Half-Breed

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Author's Note;

Im sorry that my other story was so short and it took me forever to update this chapter. i've been so caught up on working on my other story, a Jackpunzel fanfiction, "Sun Frosted Kiss". and yes, i know the title sounds stupid. its all i could come up with. Any WAY! enjoy this Chapter. LATERS!!

Heading down the Natural Forest road, the road was getting narrower, more wooded and the paved street turned to dirt as i headed off road to my friend's house.

Coburn has been my best friend since we were in middle school, and just like Azuela and I, hes not "human" either. By the human's view, he's a scientist, and prodigy in his field. He's more into the Fringe science, the things that are based off on science fiction. like Magic. Coburn is a Sorcerer. that's what us Mystics call him. 

He's a nineteen year old physicists, with two doctorates and a masters degree in chemistry. he started college when we were in eighth grade. we would hangout after class, showing off what he had learned to me and we would study together. He showed me things like hover boots, invisble cloaks, teleportaton smoke, and so much more. he lives alone in a small cabin in the forest where only a small handful of people actually know where its at. he likes the solitude and all the time he gets to work on all of his research or inventions.

I try and visit him at least four times a week, or just end up staying at his place the rest of the week.

Anyway,  coming up to a tree that gas spit in two from a lightning strike a year back,  turning left of that, i came close to a small log cabin house that was enclosed with trees with a narrow Creek that flowed just off to the side of the house. He and i came up with a filter system that draws water from the creek, flows into his pumps underneath the house, filters it into pure drinking water and he uses that as his water system for his kitchen,  bathroom and for anything that he needs to live on. included with solar panels on his roof to help with his heating and electricity. helping him with cost and efficency of living in the middle of nowhere. l

Killing the engine,  i honked my horn once before closing the door and heading up the small, three step deck. Coburn met be there, holding the door open for me. He smiled at my presence.

"Sup bro?!" Coburn said happily,  giving me a fist bump as i walked inside. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

Coburn’s house was clean, if you minus a sweet shirt on the floor and a few papers and handmade gadgets here and there. He always like a clean home.

"Not much, just hoping you could help me with a project," i said, helping myself to the couch.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked, tossing me an apple and took his place on the recliner in front of me.

"I meet someone amazing today and I want to keep in touch with her."

"Her?" he said sounding shocked. "What, you didn't get her cell number or something?"

"Not exactly,  she doesn't own a phone," i admitted,  running my fingers through my dark blond hair.

"What, are you talking to that nymph again?" Coburn looked at me with a confused,  concerned look.

"No, she's a mermaid." and with that, he spit apple chunks all over me and the coffee table. "Thanks dude," i scoffed, brushing the apple pieces off my jacket.

"A mermaid?! Are you freak'n serious?!" Coburn flipped, setting down his fruit. "Where did you see her? What did she look like? What was she like?" Coburn asked a million questions. I took my note book out of my backpack and started to sketch Azuela as i talked.

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